Sony has finally toppled Microsoft from its perch over the console market in the U.S. and gone ahead with its gaming console PlayStation 3 beating Xbox 360.

Microsoft ruled the U.S. market for more than two and a half years with its Xbox 360 and topped the charts as the best selling console of the year. But latest statistics by a leading global market research company, NPD Groups, confirm that Sony has achieved the number one position for the month with PS3 as the best selling console of the month, reports GeeksWire.

Sony had announced an exclusive PS3 bundle featuring GTA V prior to its release. The overwhelming response from the buyers for GTA V has boosted the market for PS3 as well. "The launch of Grand Theft Auto V this September was a much needed shot in the arm for the industry. Overall retail sales across hardware, software and accessories were up 27% versus September 2012, lifted by software sales of Grand Theft Auto V," said Liam Callahan, research analyst at NPD.

Also many of the Xbox 360 consoles reportedly crashed on installing GTA V. this further pushed the market for Sony. PS3 was also affected by the same problem while the gamers tried playing GTA V online. Apparently, Rockstar came up with a fix for the PS3 users but the Xbox 360 holders are still finding it hard to head through the problems.

However, Microsoft refutes the claim stating that the company still leads the U.S. market and has sold nearly 1.6 million units in 2013.

While both Sony and Microsoft are waiting to launch their next generation consoles next month it seems the Japanese conglomerate might just win this race too. But we are not holding our breath- May the best console win!