Valencell and iRiver Ltd. have partnered to develop a new audio headset called "ON," which accurately monitors heart rate, distance, speed, pulse, fitness level and burned calories, priced at $199.99.

Headsets have simplified the way we handle calls and fulfill our love for music. But what if a headset could do more than that? Valencell, innovative mobile health and Technology Company, and iRiver Ltd, renowned electronics company, joined hands to bring an audio headset that acts as a fitness monitor. It is handy, accurate and records real-time data on heart rate, distance, speed, pulse, fitness level and burned calories.

The iRiver ON audio headset has a simple design like the normal headset, but contains a sensor module in the right-hand side ear bud, which gathers data. For accurate information, the device uses infrared light and an accelerometer to analyze blood flow and physical activity. The device is the first to be powered by Valencell's PerformTek Precision Biometrics sensor technology.

In addition to tracking the user's physical fitness, the accompanying app for both iOS and Android displays the results on your smartphone. This function can be seen across several other gadgets like the SKIP band, but the ON headset stands apart. The new gadget is capable of multitasking as users can enjoy listening to music while the headset does the job to track data.

"We're excited to partner with Valencell to launch such a compelling product into the mobile fitness marketplace," Henry Park, iriver's CEO, said in a statement, earlier in January when the headset was displayed at the CES 2013. "There's been great demand, so we're thrilled to be the first to market."

The iRiver ON comes with a price tag of $199.99 and its complimented with a free Android and iOS mobile application.In addition to monitoring fitness, users can set a personal training program where they will be updated with voice prompts about their fitness progress.