Former Suffolk County Police Chief James Burke was arrested Wednesday and charged with deprivation of civil rights and conspiracy to commit obstruction of justice. The arrest stems from a allegations that he took revenge on Christopher Loeb, who broke into his service vehicle and stole a gun belt, ammunition, sex toys, and handcuffs in 2012, by beating him after his arrest, according to the New York Daily News.

Loeb, 29, filed a civil lawsuit after his arrest, claiming that he was assaulted at his home by officers, then again at the precinct where he was punched and kicked in the head by Burke and other officers as he was chained and handcuffed to the floor.

He also alleges that Burke threatened him by warning him he would administer a fatal dose of heroin if he reported the assault, reported The Spreadit. Burke forced his officers to cover up the assault, one of whom ended up lying under oath, giving a false testimony during a hearing.

Burke, who was first under investigation by the FBI in 2013 after the accusation, retired from his position as Police Chief in October, after the investigation reopened.

As the investigation continues, Loeb's attorney Amy Marion, said her client is eager to see justice done. "We are gratified that this long overdue prosecution has begun and we look forward to seeing that justice is done," she said, according to the Associated Press.

Burke, who could face more than five years in prison if convicted, will remain at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn until a bail hearing that is set for Friday.