A woman from Pittsburgh was arrested and charged on Dec. 10 for a years-long scheme where she stole valuable sheets of stamps from her employer, Creative Products International, an import-export firm. The woman resold the stamps on her personal eBay account, reported Digital Journal.

Colleen Carroll-Dean, 40, had her house searched on a warrant, and the police found $266,000 in stamps in her home alone. Over the course of months, it is estimated that she had stolen and sold at least $1 million in merchandise, reported CBS.

A customer called a manager at CPI to report that he had not received his order of Bhutan stamps, but he had actually bought the stamps from Carroll-Dean on eBay. After speaking with the customer and seeing the emails sent between him and Carroll-Dean, the manager reviewed the store's inventory and realized that original boxes of stamps were nowhere to be found. Carroll-Dean had replaced them with new boxes that were labelled as originals, reported CBS.