A family was forced to cancel their cruise trip after witnessing the aftermath of the gruesome death of an electrician Sunday aboard the cruise liner Carnival Ecstasy.

Matt Davis, from Fort Myers, Fla., had made reservations to travel on the cruise liner Carnival Ecstasy over Christmas. His family went aboard the ship at Miami on Christmas Day, according to UPI.

They saw something on Sunday, Dec. 27, that left them completely horrified and shaken. As the family was walking towards the 10th floor restaurant to have their dinner, they noticed that blood was coming out of the elevator shaft. They then saw a man come right out of the elevator while blood was still falling outside from the same shaft, The San Diego Top News Examiner reported.

It turned out later that what they saw was the death of a man named Jose Sandoval Opazo, who was 63 years old and worked as an electrician with the ship. One of the elevators on the ship was apparently not working, which led to the crew sending Opazo to fix the elevator. While he was trying to fix the problem, the elevator came crashing down on him, crushing him to death.

Davis' family was very shaken. "To look and see the elevator with just blood coming down like a sheet, and not stopping ... it was a real life scene of 'The Shining,'" he said while describing the scene, according to USA Today.

The cruise company offered to pay for any counseling sessions that Davis' family might choose to take.