YouTube came under fire this week after the new commenting system was introduced on the site Tuesday.

Google rolled out a new commenting system for its video sharing site, You Tube, which will by default synchronize the comments of the users to their Google+ accounts. According to the new guidelines, the Google profile image of the commenter will appear on the left of the comment box as soon as a comment is posted. And at the same time the comment and the video will get automatically shared on the Google+ page of the user.

The new commenting system failed to gain wide acceptance from YouTube viewers after it was rolled out last week. In fact, many users vented their frustration on the You Tube blog post, requesting Google to resume the old commenting system for its video sharing site.

The annoyance of the You Tube viewers is an expected response as the new feature removes all anonymity of the commenter. Google+ encourages usage of real names beside the comments. When the Google+ integration was announced for You tube in September, Nundu Janakiram , the You Tube product manager, assured its viewers that they will not have to use their real names to comment on the videos but the reality is different from what he promised.

"Making it incredibly difficult to have a username other than my actual name, and being forced to display it to the world is also a huge problem I have with this new setup," said Dustin Wilson on a petition to Change Org. while protesting against the commenting system, reports Cnn.

With the new commenting system, the content creator will have a better grip over the comments. In simpler words, if the creator wishes he/ she may push down the unnecessary comments below and keep the relevant ones on top.

This is again not acceptable to some as they say this will hinder the free style of commenting.

The You Tube users have filed multiple petitions against the company on Change.Org objecting to the new commenting system. The most popular petition is "Google: Change the YouTube comment section to its old form", signed by more than 50, 000 petitioners this week on the official site of Change.Org. Not only You Tube fans but the co-founder, Jawed Karim, was not happy with the changes on the site. "Why the f*** do i need a google+ account to comment on a video?" Karim said in a statement, reports phonearena.

Earlier this year, YouTube introduced a new design for the channel and around 30,000 people wrote in objecting to the change. But the design stayed.