Viber, the instant messaging service rolled out its 4.0 update earlier this week. It offers an overhauled UI for tablets, a grand collection of stickers and most importantly, voice messaging.

The instant messaging apps are on a roll these days with players like WhatsApp, BBM and now Viber. The Cyprus-based company rolled out an update, 4.0 Tuesday that claims to provide a complete communication experience to its users.

"Viber has always aimed to provide a complete communications experience. With the new features we've brought to the platform, Viber lets users connect and stay connected in more ways than ever," reads the press release.

The 4.0 update brings in a lot of features of which Push To Talk (PTT) ranks first. Push To Talk is an instant communication feature that will allow Viber users to send short voice messages. WhatsApp with more than 350 million users across the world, also incorporated a similar service for its users in August. However, Viber claims its Push To Talk service is better. Voice message is a time consuming feature taking minimum 15 seconds, whereas the service on Viber will require even less than 10 seconds, explains the company.

Alongside the voice messaging feature, the latest Viber update offers an exciting catalogue of stickers. The list will be updated keeping in mind the approaching Holidays and other timely events. The cross platform messaging service has introduced two new characters, Mayo and Blue. The Viber users can get 300 stickers for just $1.99. According to Viber, the stickers released so far have gained huge popular support and the company expects the same from the new ones.

The 4.0 update will largely overhaul the messaging interface for the Android tablets. The update brings other improvements for the tablet users like default synchronization of calls and messages. Tablet users using Android 4.2 and above will have access to additional Viber features like improved notifications, a Light Up Screen setting for incoming messages, and one will be able to send messages while on call.

The 4.0 update delivers a few other exciting tweaks for the Viber subscribers like new wall papers on the chat service, group messaging up to 100 participants. The updated app is now available for Android and iOS users.