Giuseppe Ferraro and Giuseppe Crea, two Mafia mobsters who were on the lam for more than a decade, have finally been arrested after their underground bunker was discovered near Maropati, in the southern state of Calabria, Italy.

The two were found sleeping inside the bunker when it was raided by Italian police on Friday.

Ferraro, 47, found guilty of murder and Mafia association, has been a fugitive since 1998, while Crea, 37, was convicted of Mafia associations and has been on the run since 2006, according to CNN.

"Today is another great day for everyone and for the country because justice has won," Interior Minister Angelino Alfano said.

Inside the mobsters' hideout were firearms - rifles, machine guns and pistols - neatly arranged on a wall. There were also cooking pots and food items like salads, tomatoes and ricotta. Despite being dug deep in the ground, the hideout also had access to electricity, powering a TV with a satellite dish, and including a computer, Fox News reported.

Bushes hid the entrance to the bunker from the outside.

"The operation concluded today bears witness to the extraordinary commitment of the state police in the fight against organized crime. Thanks are due to all the officers who, with a great sense of duty and spirit, work daily to uphold the law and decency," Police chief Alessandro Pansa said, according to NBC News.