Amy Duggar King has always been known as the rebel of the family compared to her conservative cousins, and now that she's happily married to Dillon King, she has no problem opening up about their marriage, sex life and the shocking fact that she was not a virgin when the two tied the knot.

"I'm like a free bird," she told People. "I went to Christian school all my life but I never really felt up to the Duggar standard."

Her father, Terry Jordan, went on to explain how he had a lot to do with this as he never held her back from anything and always allowed her be herself.

"I don't feel guilty for being me," Amy explained.

While her cousins, the former stars of "19 Kids and Counting," believe in courting, where get-togethers with the opposite sex are supervised and only side hugs are allowed, Amy never exactly followed those rules and dated "at least six guys" before she met Dillon.

"It looked like I jumped from guy to guy, but I'm glad I dated that much before marriage because it showed me what kind of characteristics I wanted to find and the personalities that worked well with mine," she added. "I think kissing before marriage should happen. What if you get married and then that connection isn't there?"

She and Dillon did hold off on going further than that until they were married, but she did admit that neither were virgins when they met. "That was our decision. We had fun, but we didn't stay over and we decided early on not to move in together. There were boundaries. A thin line of boundaries," she added. "I think that if I was a virgin on my wedding night and had never been kissed, I would end up rocking in a corner! That is so much emotion all at once."

As for their honeymoon, all she could say was, "It was awesome!"

Amy and Dillon began dating in November 2014 and got married the following year in September after being engaged for less than two months. The happy couple celebrated their engagement with a sexy and wild photoshoot and proved that they definitely weren't waiting until their wedding day to share their first kiss like the rest of their cousins, as HNGN previously reported. The two showed a ton of affection in the photos as they rolled around in the mud in matching white outfits.

"One of our three engagement photos looks was a mud fight," Amy said at the time. "It was kind of, not scandalous, but a little less what you'd expect from a Duggar."