Australian fitness trainer Chontel Duncan went viral several weeks ago when she posted a photo comparing her teeny baby bump to a friend's who looked much more pregnant, but was only due four weeks earlier than her. Ever since the photo went up, people have been criticizing Duncan for showing off her tiny and in-shape figure, when all she was trying to do was show that every woman carries pregnancy differently.

"I thought it'd be very obvious that we would carry differently," she said. "I'm clearly extremely tall and hold a lot more muscle mass. Plus it was [my friend] Nat's third pregnancy. It's my first...My approach to my fitness now [that I'm] pregnant has been a slow progression of modifying exercise after exercise as I get further into my pregnancy. I've enjoyed training while pregnant and haven't felt like it's more effort-it's just a motherly instinct to taper particular movements as you feel the body change and ability lessen."