The upcoming installment of DICE's long-running and extremely successful franchise, "Battlefield 5," has managed to incite headlines ever since plans for the game were revealed by the developer. With the release date of the highly anticipated title drawing closer, the rumor mill has been working on overdrive.

Notable rumors have emerged, among the most prominent ones being that the new game would explore a World War I setting, and that DICE would be exploring new vistas and innovations when it comes to gameplay. This time, however, the latest rumors are focused on one interesting aspect of the upcoming game: DLCs.

A series of images have emerged online, posted by an individual who claims to have acquired a tentative outline for the scheduled DLCs of the highly anticipated title. Though the validity of the images is still uncertain, the alleged DLC timeline does reveal a number of interesting angles to "Battlefield 5."

The first notable DLC, allegedly titled "Battlefield 5: Eastern Front" was listed with a release date of December 6, 2016. The DLC allegedly explores a scenario where the players are tasked to fight off the Russian invasion alongside European allies. A number of European cities such as Kiev and Minsk are set to be featured.

The DLC that allegedly follows "Eastern Front," titled "Fallen Dragon," is essentially a rehash of previous maps from "Battlefield 4." While the idea of a DLC only featuring rehashed content, numerous fans of the series have pointed out that gamers also have the tendency to state that maps from previous installments are superior. Thus, "Battlefield 5" getting a DLC completely dedicated to the best of "Battlefield 4's" maps would make some sense.

The third DLC in line, according to the leak, is titled "Battlefield 5: Prototype Warfare," which explores vehicle superiority in the same. Among the DLCs in the alleged leaked documents, "Prototype Warfare" seems to be one which is set in the future.

The fourth DLC has managed to get a lot of fans excited, however. Titled "Battlefield 5: Titan Assault," the fourth DLC is allegedly set to explore battled in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Apart from this a new mode, called "Titan Conquest," is also set to be introduced.

Though no other details were provided about the "Titan Conquest" mode, numerous fans have drawn a possible parallel between the alleged upcoming mode and "Battlefield 2142." Considering that "Battlefield 2142" was such a critical and commercial success, it would not be surprising at all if DICE does explore that possibility.

The final DLC in the alleged leak does not have a title as of yet. Though the premise of the DLC allegedly involves the player taking the role of a U.S. soldier fighting in America's final stand against the Pan Asian Coalition, the proposed title "Battlefield 5: Independence Day," was rejected. Maps for the DLC, however, have allegedly been approved and are already in development.

Only time will tell if these new leaks are accurate or not. Nevertheless, they are quite interesting in a number of ways, most of which is the fact that DICE seems to be exploring numerous angles and expansions for the upcoming game. Of course, a DLC could only be as successful as its main game. If any, with the alleged leaks, "Battlefield 5" has raised the bar for itself once more.