This past month has been severely disappointing for "Pokémon" fans. We had a Nintendo stream that offered nothing, and the promised April issue of CoroCoro which was supposed to have our first real batch of official info turned out to be somewhat of a hoax. This doesn't mean that there isn't information to be had; there certainly is, and it appears that we may finally have some.

According to some reports, the possible names for the three starters in the upcoming 7th Generation have already been trademarked and can be used to possibly discern their types and appearances as well.

This revelation comes via YouTuber Tyranitar Tube who analyzed a Twitter account named Trademark Bot, which as the name implies, lists the trademarks of every single trademark that is filed in Japan - within the limits that the platform allows. However, before we begin, do note that the amount of salt you should take this with is quite high. Yes, there are valid points that can be discerned by looking through the Twitter account, but official information should be coming next month, so there's little reason to look through the information now and get excited only to be disappointed in the future if it's proven false.

The report focuses on three tweets that emerged at the same time dated Feb. 18 which display three names: Mokuroh, Ashimari and Nyabby. The problem here is that these trademarks can essentially be anything, as the tweet doesn't specify what they're for. The only way to make heads or tails of this system is to recognize the identification numbers that the tweet uses for each trademark, and in this case these numbers are 9, 14 and 16.

These numbers mean little to nothing on their own, but they take on some meaning when compared to a tweet that had the trademark for the Pokémon Chesnaught. The tweet has the same identification numbers as the three tweets that the alleged names of the starters were on. In addition, the tweets that allegedly revealed the names of the new titular legendary Pokémon also had the same identification numbers. Furthermore, looking through the account's feed, no other tweet has those same identification numbers. The only potential flaw in this line of thinking is that Chesnaught's trademark had an extra identification number - 18 - but it's still unclear what that number signifies.

So if we take this leap of faith and assume that all this actually leads to the three starters, what would they be? Well, the name has all the answers. Starting with Mokuroh, Moku means wood or tree, while kuroh likely comes from fukurou which means owl. This means that that Mokuroh is potentially a wood owl Pokémon. Moving on to Ashimari, the first part of its name likely comes from ashika which means sea lion, while mari means ball or could be short for marine. This means Ashimari could likely be a sea lion Pokémon which is totally new and hasn't been done before. Lastly there's Nyabbi, where the first part of its name nya is the Japanese sound for what a cat makes and the second part of its name means fire. So we're likely looking at a fire cat Pokémon.

As mentioned before, this could be totally off base, but it's worth looking at. At the very least it's more believable than other rumors that have surfaced. If true, then we can possibly expect CoroCoro to confirm this once its May issue arrives. Fans had expected information in April, but it turned out to be somewhat of a hoax, only showing a teaser for the box art and revealing who Magearna is.

In the meantime, check out the video where you can see the tweets analyzed below: