PlayStation 4, Sony's latest next generation console has been launched in the market yet playing PlayStation 3 titles on the same is still a distant dream for gamers. However, to pacify its consumers the Japanese conglomerate has assured that its Gaikai streaming service will be available on the console some time next year.

Gaikai is a cloud-based gaming service that allows access to any game via internet streaming. Eventually the service may even support Sony's PS Vita handheld in near future.

"We're still on track for a 2014 launch of the commercial service. It's a brand new proposition: we're pioneering a different way to experience games, i.e. server-delivered from the cloud," said Andrew House, the CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment, reports Examiner."And we're taking a very gradual, step-by-step approach because, first and foremost, we want to ensure that it's a good experience for consumers."

Also asked whether Sony is planning to deliver backward-compatibility via the clouds service, which the gamers are requesting, House disclosed that the cloud service will slowly expand to cover the whole gamut of its devices.

"I'm not sure I look at it as backwards-compatibility; I look at it as a different way to offer PlayStation 3 gaming experiences - eventually to a much broader range of devices."

"So it starts with PlayStation 4, then it's possible on PlayStation Vita, but eventually it will move out to things like smart TVs and other connected boxes."

Additionally, House was also asked if he's happy with the PlayStation 4's launch lineup with many gamers claiming that Microsoft was way ahead of Sony there.

"Yes, a launch line-up is to a certain degree a statement of intent. But we've got two games right here which are great. Killzone: Shadow Fall has seen very significant sales during the first part of the US launch, which is very encouraging," said House, according to Guardian. "Looking further out, we have Driveclub coming and Infamous."