Google has over the years evolved from merely being a search engine giant into one of the biggest tech companies in the world which manufactures both software and hardware and now the company is looking to stake its claim on the global smartphone industry, according to reports in The Daily Telegraph. The company, which created Android, the most popular smartphone operating system in the world is now in discussions to create a smartphone that it would allow it to get a hold on one of the most lucrative markets in the world while at the same time consoloidating its hardware business.

According to the report, "Google already develops the Android operating system that runs on four in five smartphones sold around the world, and endorses a range of phones made by partners such as LG and Huawei under the Google Nexus brand. But unlike Apple, it leaves manufacturing to other companies such as Samsung, with the company concentrating on developing the free software that runs on its phones. The new device, which will be released by the end of the year according to a senior source, will see Google take more control over design, manufacturing and software. "

The primary reason behind this move seems to be the fact that although Android is popular, Apple is still the dominant figure in the more lucrative high end section of the market since it manufactures its own smartphone and that is a big reason why Google now wants to create a better platform for Android. As the report states, "Its own phone would allow Google to control the software, securing the future of services such as the Google search engine and Google Play app store that run on it. " Tech analyst Ben Woord stated, "They are concerned that Android is fragmenting, that it needs to become a more controlled platform.I think they'll seek to control it more, more like Apple."