As per Fox News, antioxidants are produced by colored plants as a natural defense mechanism to protect themselves from damage done through heat, light, air, moisture and time. When you eat these plants, you also consume the antioxidants present in them that also help you build a safeguard for your skin cells.

Experts recommend eating tomatoes that are rich in lycopene, compound that is responsible for tomato's red color. Eating red tomatoes can lower the impact of harmful UV radiation. At the same time, beta-carotene present in carrots can repair skins cells and protect you from photo-aging, caused due to continued exposure to the sun's damaging UV rays. Eating carrots regularly can also reduce the intensity of sunburn.

Just like carrots, sweet potatoes too contain high amount of antioxidants, beta-carotene and Vitamin A. These antioxidants work wonders in reducing various types of cancer and also repairs skin cell damage due to excessive ultraviolet exposure. Not only will sweet potatoes reduce sun damage, but can also improve the texture of your skin, reduce dark circles under the eyes and also puffiness.

Introducing bright colored veggies such as red, orange and yellow peppers will protect your skin by inhibiting the damage of thin fat layers surrounding skin cells. These vegetables are rich in natural pigments, carotenoids, that help improve the quality of skin.

One can even eat good quantity of watermelon that can reduce the chance of sunburn and also helps in treating it if you get one. Watermelon also contains lycopene that helps protect your skin from sun damage. They also act as natural toners, providing requisite amount of hydration to the skin.

According to another article, eating blackberries, black currants, acai, dewberries and elderberries, contain anthocyanins, the compound that gives them their purple color. This compound helps your body against several diseases such as cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure and Urinary Tract Infections. Needless to say, these blue and purple berries also provide natural SPF protection from the sun.