Diabetes is one of the most common conditions across the world and is caused due to lack of insulin. This makes the body incapable of breaking down sugars in the body and prevents their transformation into glucose, required for energy. The pancreas is essential for producing insulin. However, diabetes can damage them or prevent them from producing enough insulin.

The recent scientific breakthrough has developed artificial pancreas that will help people with Type 1 diabetes to get rid of their insulin injections. The artificial pancreas are manmade organs that will be available for diabetic patients from next year, if all goes as planned. These technologically advanced simulated organs come equipped with a sensor that can examine the blood glucose levels and act accordingly, allowing insulin to flow through.

For now, the devices that are available in the market can either monitor blood glucose levels or help inflate insulin once they get the body's reading. However, the artificial pancreas can be highly effective by closing the loop between the two existing devices and being a one stop solution. This medically advanced equipment will help the diabetics in keeping their risky condition in control.

The artificial pancreas was created and developed by a team of scientists at the Cambridge University. Thanks to this equipment, less and less lives will suffer due to the debilitating condition of diabetes. The participants who underwent clinical testing of this artificial organ said that they are pleased with the results and how it makes it easier for them to manage their condition.