Civil War II, the third issue of marvel comic book, has taken an extreme step. The book has a major character, the Hulk, killed.

Writer Michael Bendis has come under attack with this event, but it seems that he was ready for it. He is pretty unruffled with the reaction that is coming his way. A few days back, he was making headlines as he had a 15 year old black woman replacing Iron Man in 'The Invincible.'

As a justification, Bendis has said that fans might be outraged with this and 'Hawkeye' writers, who he is also very good friends with, might also, be offended. But he has pointed out firmly that once the readers get to know the whys, hows, and wheres, they will also be convinced that what has happened in this third issue is in character.

According to reports, in the third issue of the comic book, Avenger Hawkeye kills Bruce Banner, by shooting an arrow straight through Banner's skull. He did so as he thinks that Banner will wreak havoc by turn into Hulk. However, the most interesting thing is that the third issue also reveals the reason that led to the shooting.

The comic has Hawkeye killing Banner has the latter had requested him to do so. Another report states that Banner himself had given the special arrow to Hawkeye and asked him to resort to mercy killing in case any disaster arose. He has been under medication for anger management and has been successful in his efforts, but inspite of that, he had made the request.

The death of the Hulk is pretty shocking for his fans but this is not the first time that in the Marvel and DC Universe, such a major character has been killed. Jean Grey, in the 1970s, and Peter Parker were killed as well.

Moreover, the dead have returned too. So, it might be said that Hulk is not gone forever. And, Bendis has also refused to speak about the future. So, that gives enough hope for a comeback of the Hulk.