U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron's efforts to kill filth in the nation have been doused by a Google Chrome extension that helps users bypass a porn-ban filter.

A Google Chrome browser extension, "Go Away Cameron," lets internet users in the UK bypass the security filter imposed by the government and access any blocked site.

David Cameron first revealed his plans to impose a filter on pornographic sites to prevent children from "stumbling across hardcore legal pornography," back in July. Along with the new imposition came objections from the masses which led to the creation of the new extension.

The new filter was criticized as it also blocked access to sex education and porn addiction help sites. The creator of the "Go Away Cameron" extension, a Singapore-based computer science graduate identified as @nubela, used his talent to express his concerns with the government's new rule.

"I strongly disagree with a censored internet, especially one that is implemented on a government-basis, opt-out or not," Nubela told The Register. "As a programmer, I actually have an ability to say no, which is through Go Away Cameron."

Nubela's creation is a "private and smart proxy service to route your access around censorship so you can regain your access to your favorite blocked sites in UK," according to the extension's FAQs.

UK's leading ISPs including TalkTalk, Sky and BT, have joined the government to implement the changes. BT's filter, which was imposed last week to its subscribers, blocked websites like Sexual Health Scotland and the Doncaster Domestic Abuse Helpline, according to Newsnight's investigation, reported CNET UK. Similarly, Sky's filter blocked six websites that help people overcome porn addiction.

The new filter drags adult content, which is categorized by Pornography, "obscene and tasteless" content, hate and self-harm, alcohol, tobacco, drugs and self-harm.