The launching of New York's Wi-Fi kiosks eight months back was welcomed as a breakthrough to improve the quality of life in the hi-tech city. As Internet usage have emerged as among the modern world's basic needs , LinkNYC came up with the idea of installing Wi-Fi Kiosks across the Big Apple to Internet connectivity services to visitors and residents. But, current challenges regarding usage of Wi-Fi Kiosks - what with some people using it to access porn in public, have prompted the company to cancel the service.

According to Mashable, it was reported that New York's Wi-Fi kiosks are facing problems with its wrong usage by users. Apart from the normal usage those Kiosks are originally made for, they are found to be used to watch porn. Some users were found monopolizing the Link tablets and using them inappropriately, preventing others from being able to use them while frustrating the local residents and businesses.

City councilman Corey Johnson, a resident of Greenwich Village, Chelsea reported a complaint by a letter to LinkNYC stating that - "These kiosks are often monopolized by individuals creating personal spaces for themselves, engaging in activities that include playing loud explicit music, consuming drugs and alcohol, and the viewing of pornography,"

New York's Wi-Fi kiosks feature wide-scale Wi-Fi connection, two USB charging ports, free domestic calls, a 911 button and a tablet for internet access.

LinkNYC stated that "Starting today, we will be removing web browsing on all Link tablets while we work with the City and community to explore potential solutions, like time limits. Other tablet features-free phone calls, maps, device charging, and access to 311 and 911-will continue to work as they did before, and nothing is changing about LinkNYC's superfast Wi-Fi. As planned, we will continue to improve the Link experience and add new features for people to enjoy while they're on the go".