The spouses of Islamic State jihadis told Kurdistan's Rudaw news office on Thursday that they are safe from the Chinese coronavirus, guaranteeing that it is a type of divine retribution from Allah against infedils and non-Muslims.

Rudaw visited the spouses and family members of Islamic State terrorists kept at the al-Hol camp in Syrian Kurdistan. Inquiring as to whether they are worried about the Chinese virus, the jihadis answered a pandemic is a type of divine retribution towards crusader countries who dismiss the teachings of Islam.

One of the spouses clarified that Muslims won't die of this coronavirus because they are good people and are believers of God. She said that God's soldiers protect them for the coronavirus outbreak.

Northeast Syria has not archived any cases, however, those dealing with the Al-Hol camp do not currently have the necessary gear or equipment to test people for the coronavirus. A couple of people tested need to wait for their samples to make a trip to Damascus and back. Northern Syria is constrained by Kurdish civilian armies, while Damascus is still in the hands of tyrant Bashar al-Assad.

As indicated by expert Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi, referred by Rudaw, the Islamic State encouraged their fighters in a newsletter to exploit the fact that most countries are distracted with containing the spread of the coronavirus.

Al-Tamimi gave both an interpretation and rundown of the newsletter, where the ISIS initiative clarifies that the crusader countries have become engrossed with security in their own territories, sending some of their own security forces and armed forces considering the coronavirus epidemic and its present and potential repercussions on things like the economy, costs of merchandise, and the potential for confusion and turmoil.

The Crusaders likewise, face the weights of their outside military organizations when they have been trying to bring their soldiers home, even as they try to diminish the probability of mujahideen assaults against them inside their own countries and somewhere else.

The exact opposite thing they need is for their present tribulations with the pandemic to concur with the assaults in their own countries like the assaults in Paris, London, and Brussels, or for the "mujahideen" to overcome portions of the Earth as happened in the past.

There is proof that the pandemic has also neglected to slow the current Islamic State insurrection, with the group staging a minor resurgence across Syria. Two Kurdish Peshmerga fighters were killed and another injured after an assault on Tuesday evening, while on Thursday activists also killed two Popular Mobilization Forces fighters close Al-Sadeq military airport.

As indicated by the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights or SOHR, the caliphate did an enormous scale assault on al-Sokhna town in Syria's eastern province of Homs, murdering 27 deployed regime soldiers and some supporter militiamen. At any rate, 22 jihadis were later slaughtered by retaliatory Russian airstrikes.