The Chinese Communist Party is changing the narrative of the origin of the coronavirus, by saying the US government grant paid $ 3.7 million to fund a Wuhan lab to research bats in a desperate attempt to shift blame from itself.

A narrative provided by Chinese sources places the Wuhan lab as the recipient of the US funds. According to the claims, the purpose is to harvest bat coronaviruses, and turn it into weaponized viral pathogens as mentioned by WHO and Chinese scientists.

China pins the blame on US for coronavirus

U. S. is actively denying and questioning the suspicions that they are the source of the coronavirus, as world opinion is pointing to them. Even enlisting a PR machine to whitewash reports of their involvement.

It was the interest of the US government to contact the Wuhan Institute of Virology to harvest samples coronavirus from specimens, which were mammals caught a thousand miles away in Yunnan.

Yunnan cave is the claimed source named by the Chinese, and the genome traced to sequence of COVID-19, it was later claimed to spread via transmission to humans at the Wuhan market. It is now unofficially called the 'Wuhan Virus', that is protested by the leaders in Beijing.

According to the circulating COVID-19 conspiracy, Wuhan Institute created the deadly disease by harvesting bat coronaviruses using funds from the United States.

The implication is the virus in not China-made but US-made that escaped the labs, also killing Americans and nationalities worldwide because the market is not where the outbreak began.

Acceptance of the Chinese narrative by 'lawmakers and pressure groups' led them to question US funding of the 'dangerous and cruel animal experiments at the Wuhan Institute,' in spite of the clear lack of evidence.

One US Congressman Matt Gaetz said, "I'm disgusted to learn that for years the US government has been funding dangerous and cruel animal experiments at the Wuhan Institute, which may have been possible."

One of the most advanced labs, the $37 million Wuhan Institute of Virology is only 20 miles where the contested release point is. This claim by the CCP is still contested by the US and other entities.

Questionable evidence clears out China's responsibilities

Documents that were intercepted by The Mail last Sunday allegedly proved that experiments did happen and funded by the US National Institutes of Health. The National Institutes of Health does biomedical and public health research for the United States government, the next question is why did they outsource it?

They are even listed as partners of the Wuhan Institute, and other American academic institutions on their website. There are as many as 1,500 strains of deadly viruses, the Wuhan Lab is a high-level center where contagions are kept from happening.
Dr Gerald T. Keusch, MD, Professor of Medicine and International Health at Boston University's Schools of Medicine and Public Health, stressed that no release of viruses from a high-level lab, such as the one in Wuhan, "has ever happened." Bottom line is the "escaped from the lab" theory is plausible.

Cao Bin added, "It seems clear that the seafood market is not the only origin of the virus."

Coronavirus infections are killing Americans by the dozen, better than any invasion while dying in their beds. The Chinese narrative that the US government grant at $ 3.7 million, to make the coronavirus in a Wuhan Lab and now the whole world is in peril. The truth of fact, who is more credible?