Deputy Commissioner Melvin Singleton speaks with demonstrators as time went past an eight o'clock curfew during a protest against racial inequality in the aftermath of the death in Minneapolis police custody of George Floyd, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S. June 6, 2020. Picture taken June 6, 2020. REUTERS/Bastiaan Slabbers

Instead of wandering off to a honeymoon getaway that they initially planned but was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a newly married couple in Philadelphia joined protesters in the streets calling out for justice in the death of George Floyd.

On Saturday, Micheal Gordon and his wife Dr. Kerry Anne Perkins were outside Logan Hotel taking pictures after their wedding just when they spotted protesters in a rally to honor Floyd pass by Benjamin Franklin Parkway.

After seeing the flock of people, the couple decided to join the march and celebrate their newlywed life by joining the demonstration. Upon seeing the couple, the protesters erupted into applause and congratulated them.

Videos and photos of the couple raising their fists while holding hands trended in social media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter. Gordon and Perkins then joined the protesters who march to the City Hall.

In a report by Daily Mail, it was stated that the couple's sudden decision to join the protest after their wedding gave them the chance to celebrate and share their newfound life with a crowd much larger than what they have originally planned.

According to Rev Roxy Birchfield, the couple's wedding planner, the pair originally planned on getting married in New Jersey. However, their Legacy Castle wedding was thrown off the loop by the coronavirus pandemic. Thus, the couple opted to have a small wedding in the Logan Hotel in Philadelphia.

Read also: George Floyd's Autopsy Reveals Toxicology Test Result Showing Traces of Marijuana and Tobacco

A Powerful Moment

In an interview with ABC, the 35-year-old bride said that joining the protest turned their wedding into a powerful moment. She also said that it was not only because of the actions of the people around them but in that instance, she saw her husband as a black man who fought for the rights of his people and a great representative of who they are. She also added that the moment made them feel empowered as it happened at that time.

On top of this, Gordon, the 42-year-old groom said that the protests have touched him and his wife on a personal level. He explained that this is because he is of Caribbean descent while his wife was born in Jamaica. He also noted that joining the protest made their wedding day as memorable as it could be.

Moreover, Gordon said that after seeing such injustice people seek change and for the system to pry away from the status quo. Thus, being there with the people made it unforgettable.

Gordon also emphasized that the protest was peaceful, unlike the many violent protests that have spread throughout the country. He also noted that the National Guard was present but they did not end with an altercation to the demonstrators and that being part of such a thing is very positive.

Several protests have boomed across the United States in the aftermath of Floyd's death. Floyd was subdued by the police by holding him down on his neck using the knee of one officer for more than eight minutes, while he was heard pleading for his life and telling them how he couldn't breathe. Floyd then died in police custody.

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