A sick family of a mom and two adult children were accused of maltreating and killing their disable relative until she was suffocated to death.

The unfortunate death prompted the police to arrest them in Florida on Monday. The deceased was living with them before she was found dead in the woods, as reported by WFTV.

Before the arrest, the body of their relative was discovered in the woods, which led then police to suspect her relatives of foul play.

Mom and children reported victim 'missing'

Police in the Orange County said that the relatives of Gladys Ambert were suspects in their investigation of her disappearance.

Those charged by the police were her aunt and two cousins. They were identified as Nellie Ambert, aged 55, her daughter Jasmine, aged 32, lastly her son, Matias, aged- 8, who were responsible for Gladys Ambert's horrific death and torture.

Identified by the police was the victim and deceased, Gladys Ambert, aged 27, who was sick with cerebral palsy, deaf and mute, and her mental age was that of 5-year-old. Last April, her corpse was discovered with a pink blanket over her at Valencia College Lane, as reported by WFTV.

Police got a call from Gladys' family members, to inform them that she went missing, and added that their disabled relative had left home without their knowledge. When the police got a call from the Amberts, a search was initiated to look for the missing cousin, as reported.

Her body was found when a security guard discovered her corpse, in a location that was near the place of her relative's apartment.

Victim's body was covered in marks

Her relatives lied about everything and the evidence was appalling, revealing the family's sick motives.

According to Orange County Sheriff's Office Detective Sergeant Joe Cavelli, when the body was examined, several marks were found on her.

They noted that the dead woman had bruises all over her, and indications of getting bound with either cord or rope, with a cut lip as well.

Further examination of the corpse, as reported by the Orlando Sentinel, reveals more than what the relatives were telling about. The autopsy found of evidence that Gladys died by suffocation by compressing the belly, while tied up.

When interrogated by the police, the aunt and cousin were adamant about their story that she ran away. Later they alleged that she was found dead, bound in the bathroom last April 6.

Investigators say that the mother of Gladys Ambert left her when a child. Her main guardian was her paternal grandmother in New York but she died in July and she came to live in Florida with her aunt and cousins.

Findings of the police

Findings of the detectives revealed the victim suffered from constant beatings. They suspected she has been tied up and beaten October 2019 to until her death in 2020. The deranged relatives reveal that she soiled herself when all tied up.

Her aunt Nellie was paid $700 to care for Gladys. Cavelli, when asked for a comment said that they just threw her like trash, as mentioned in Kentucky.

More charges were prepared against the aunt and two adult children, and Cavelli claimed the case will continue.