Pixabay/ Juan Francia

A new conspiracy theory circulating on Twitter claimed the reading of the Mayan Calendar's Doomsday about the world ending on December 21, 2012, was a failed calculation by the experts and stated the world will end sometime next week. As stated by the new theory it will happen on the 21st day of June 2020.

The doomsday theory aroused from the fact that the Mayan calendar, which spanned for about 5,125 years since 3114BC, hit its end on the 21st of December 2012. The conspiracy theorist proclaimed the date as the end of the world, a forewarning of an imminent apocalyptic distraction.

The prediction did not only cause panic all over the world but also give rise to a huge influx of tourists at the ancient Mayan sites, which are located in Guatemala and Mexico, only to be saddened by the result and felt dirty due to the lack of sanitation at the ancient Mayan pyramids.

According to ZeeNews India, Paolo Tagaloguin, a Fulbright scholar and scientist, recalculated the Mayan calendar dates and generated the latest theory about the world ending. According to a report, Tagaloguin based his peculiar claim on a new set of calculations while making use of the Julian calendar.

In a series of Twitter posts, which were deleted, Tagaloguin said that using Julian calendar, technically the world is in 2012 and added that due to the shift into the Gregorian calendar, 11 days are being lost in each year.

On a post Tagaloguin stated his calculations enumerating that Gregorian calendar has been applied for 268 years (1752-2020) and multiplying this by 11 days will result in 2,948 days. These 2948 days is roughly equivalent to 8 years considering there are 365 days in a year.

The earlier calculations were formulated with the use of the Gregorian calendar, which was introduced in 1582. An error in the Gregorian calendar was found that about 11 days taken by the Earth to revolve around the Sun was not taken into consideration. Based on the new set of calculations, 11 days counted for each year from the original date claimed as the world ending leads to June 21, 2020.

Pennlive also reported that with the year 2020 filled with Covid-19 pandemic, locusts' attacks, natural disasters, and civil unrest, the new claimed date for doomsday has gone viral on social media. Reportedly, while NASA was commenting on the earlier predictions it uttered that the story began with declarations that Nibiru, a presumed planet discovered by Sumerians, is in transit toward the Earth.

Moreover, NASA, said this catastrophe was initially predicted to happen in May 2003, since nothing happened it was then moved to December 2012 and was associated to the end of one of the ancient Mayan calendar cycles at the winter solstice in 2012, as a result, the foretold doomsday date of December 21, 2012.

New York Post also reported that different posts about the doomsday are circulating on several social media platforms and have once again become a raging topic. One of the users wrote about seeing an article claiming that the Mayan calendar was wrong and said the world will end next week while articulating his bucket list for the date.