A community in Ireland was shaken by the senseless murder of a woman who was killed by her husband with a meat cleaver and a samurai sword. Her spouse used bladed weapons to cause severe trauma on the corpse, though nothing is mentioned as to how severe the wounds she sustained.

A mother of two, Jean Eagers, aged 57, was killed by her husband after getting hacked using a Samurai sword, which was used by Japanese warriors to disembowel opponents. The culprit was her spouse, William Eagers, age 60, who was arrested by the police as the main suspect for the murder, according to Daily Mail.

Suspect struggled against police

The crime occurred in their conjugal home in Blanchardstow on a regular Sunday morning that disrupted their neighborhood. After receiving the call about the disturbance, the police went to the residence to take control of the spiraling domestic incident. William did not come peacefully, so the police used stun grenades on the suspect, who is assumed to be armed and dangerous. Reports claimed that they used tasers to stun him.

It was not just the couple who were in the house when the domestic violence occurred. One of their children saw the savage attack on that fateful Sunday morning. He ran out of the house to call for help after subduing his armed father. But Mrs. Eager's son was not able to save his mother from getting hacked and murdered by his dad.

It was not only the son who attempted to help. Other neighbors were alarmed by the disturbance at the Eager residence and called to report it to the authorities before noon of that day.

According to witnesses, the police took control of the situation and wanted to save whoever was injured. William was not subdued quickly, though he was injured as the police took him down. After the arrest, the suspect was sent to the hospital to treat any injuries. News outlet Irish Independent said the suspect in the hacking murder, William, is employed as a taxi driver.

Sources say that the police resorted to forced entry when they saw Mrs. Eagers inside. The victim appeared to be injured but the officers were unable to assist her faster. The husband blocked the door, making it hard to get inside, according to the Irish Sun.

Police asked witnesses to come forward

Paramedics were sent in after the police took control of the situation, but they were too late to save the victim's life and declared her dead in the crime scene.

The victim's body was sent to the city morgue, where the corpse was subjected to examination carried out soon after her death. The scene of the crime was preserved till the evening of Sunday, when it was examined by the Garda Technical Bureau to find evidence against the accused.

Ireland's garda police have asked witnesses to the crime to contact them. Ruth Coppinger, a Dublin politician, mentioned that the death of Jean Eagers was truly tragic. Coppinger also expressed her condolences to the aggrieved family members, as mentioned in News Colony.

She added that such a death in the Hartstown area is unfortunate and awful. It has shocked the whole community.