Image by shbs/Pixabay

COVID-19 vaccine queues are long as teens line up to get their jabs so they will be allowed to go out when clubs will re-open as lockdown ends.

More young people mobbed the distribution of vaccines so they can be given privileges to vaccinated individuals. Many were intent on taking the vaccine in preparation for Freedom Day on June 21.

Walk-in jabs for everyone

At Harrow, North West London, the Belmont Health Centre is handing out Pfizer vaccines to all walk-ins. Many of the over-18 teens who are residents in the Harrow, were all lined up for their first shot ever of COVID-19 vaccine for protection, reported The Sun.

Images show the youngsters from a huge crowd around the health center, that snaked its way through the parking lot and down the block.

Some teens are hoping to receive the vaccine before "Freedom Day," before the lockdown ends, and clubs open on June 21.

"If all goes as planned, clubs would reopen in three weeks, and we both have intentions to go out," Jamie Lesser, 20, says, noted the Scottish Sun.

When nightclubs reopen, he plans to party for "about five days in a row" to compensate up for the past year.

When he saw an opportunity to acquire a vaccine, his buddy Daniel Simmons said he thought he would "jump on it," saying, "I want to get it as soon as possible really.

Olga Milevska, 27, a brand manager, and her friend Konstantin Germer, both 27, are hoping to tour in summer after getting the vaccine.

She said that if they can get the vaccine faster and sooner, be protected, it would be better.

Chand Shah, who is a 25-year-old accountant, thinks this was a "good idea" to get the vaccine until the limits are lifted completely.

Shah was asked about getting his jab sooner. He just said that it was expected August at the latest. Getting it earlier surprised him a lot. He added that getting his vaccine jab makes him feel more secure.

More lines for jabs everywhere

Today, the University College London has become the first university to offer a Covid injection to all its students.

The schedule for the distribution of vaccines is from 12 pm and 4 pm but vaccines ran out just after 2 pm.

Students queued outside the Hunter Street Clinic in Kings Cross in clusters, eager to be among the fortunate few.

More than 15,000 people waited in line for a vaccine at Twickenham Stadium last Monday.

Thousands of young people waited patiently in queues which were "longer than Glastonbury" at the rugby venue.

As health officials attempted to shift doses to achieve deadlines, anybody under the age of 30 was invited to go along for an injection. Only people over 30 are currently eligible for the vaccination, based on government regulations.

For those over 50, there will be a second jab in the coming week to make sure UK can open after June 21.

All Ministers wish to reach the rollout as quickly as possible to overcome the Indian variant's increasing threat in the UK.

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson is coping to keep his promise to completely remove the regulations on June 21, as the last step in his plan, cited Reuters.

COVID-19 Vaccine queues full of teens are looking forward to their covid jab, to party and be safer from the virus.