The body of Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, will be released and buried in the following days. The Islamic Society of Boston confirmed that the bombing suspect's Uncle, Ruslan Tsarni, spoke with a mosque to arrange a funeral, according to Fox News.

Katherine Russell, Tamerlan's widow, learned on Tuesday that the Massachusetts medical examiner was ready to release her husband's body. Russell declined her right of spouse to claim the body and asked for it to be released to the Tsarnaev family.

"Of course, family members will take possession of the body," Uncle Ruslan said on Tuesday night. "We'll do it. We will do it. A family is a family."

Refusing to claim Tamerlan's body is yet another step taken in recent weeks by Russell to distance herself from her husband. Shortly after learning of Tamerlan's suspected involvement in the bombings, the Russell family relased a statement that said she "never really knew" her husband.

She has maintained her privacy since April 19 at her family's home. Listed as Katherine Tsarnaeva on her marriage certificate, she has since returned to using her maiden name.

Amato DeLuca, Russell's attorney, has told the media that Russell is fully cooperating with law enforcement's investigation.

Tamerlan's exact cause of death will be revealed when the autopsy report is released with the body. Reports suggest that he ran out of ammunition in a gunfight with authorities on April 19 and was struck by and dragged under a vehicle his younger brother, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, fled in.

Authorities charged Dzhokhar, 19, with using a weapon of mass destruction. He is currently recovering from injuries sustained in the April 19 gunfight with police.

His mother, Zubeidat Tsarnaev, believes her children are innocent.

Authorities will not release the body until the end of the week. The exact details of the burial arrangement are unknown. Per Islamic law, Tamerlan's body cannot be cremated.