North Carolina Rep. Madison Cawthorn, a first-term Republican congresswoman, calls on Vice President Kamala Harris to use the 25th Amendment and remove President Biden from office.

Rep. Madison Cawthorn calls Vice-President Kamala Harris to invoke 25th amendment and remove Biden from office.Brandon Bell/Getty Images

Cawthorn Urged To Start the Process of 25th Amendment

In a recently published article in FOX news, the 25th Amendment's Section 4 sets out the procedure for removing a sitting president from office for failing to "discharge the powers and responsibilities of his office." This is after the death of the U.S. soldiers in Kabul and failed withdrawal in Afghanistan.

He also urged to start the process as soon as possible. Meanwhile, several Republican lawmakers have been urging Pres. Joe Biden to resign from his office. They believed that Biden is not capable of handling the problem in Afghanistan.

Meanwhile, in the aftermath of the alleged ISIS-K bombing that killed more than a dozen military members, White House press secretary Jen Psaki addressed those legislators earlier Thursday, saying it was "not a day for politics," according to a published article in MCU Times.

Cawthorn Said Biden Is Not Mentally Fit to Serve as President

The young representative warned of China's global aspirations, a resurgent Russia, increasing inflation, border instability, and other global threats to the United States, arguing that tackling them would need strong, decisive leadership.

He argued that Joe Biden's physical incapacity to govern is a proven reality, not a political talking point. He also said that he is unfit to serve as President of the United States due to his mental state. He also wrote a letter to the cabinet and stated that the country is at a crisis point, according to a published article in News Net Daily.

Moreover, following the disastrous U.S. pullout from Afghanistan, which has left thousands of Afghan allies stranded, the country in Taliban hands, and the most Americans killed in a single attack in Afghanistan in over a decade, the congressman said he does not believe Biden is capable of serving as commander-in-chief.

He Advised Harris of Biden's Current Cognitive Limitations

He said in his letter to Harris that as a member of the president's closest circle and a former presidential primary debate opponent, she had seen Biden's "present cognitive limitations" better than anyone else. It can also be recalled that Biden's cognitive capability has been questioned in the past few weeks.

He cannot stand by and watch the country he loves descend into death and destruction because the country's leader is incapable of carrying out his responsibilities. Cawthorn further said that there is no time to waste and that the moment to act is now.

On the other hand, an after-hours request for comment on the letter was not immediately returned by the White House. The plea came only hours after a terrorist attack near Kabul's US-run airport killed at least 13 US troops and these are comprised of 10 Marines, two Army soldiers, and a Navy corpsman.

Needless to say, Biden pledged to hunt down and kill the terrorists responsible during a press conference earlier this week, but critics have slammed his response as befuddling and insufficient, especially after the U.S. withdrawal severely curtailed intelligence capabilities in the war-torn country, angered NATO allies, and raised fears that hundreds of US citizens and tens of thousands of Afghan allies could be stranded behind enemy lines.