ADEK BERRY/AFP via Getty Images

Gang violence between Squid Game-inspired gang members erupted in a Panama Bowling Alley, where a Halloween party was held. The violence caused eight people dead and seven injured by the warring gangsters.

The gang members wore costumes reminiscent of characters in the Netflix show that feature extreme violence. The place of the carnage was Santa Ana in Panama, and it happened on early Friday morning, noted the TN News.

Deadly violence at Halloween party

When the shooting broke out in the Bowling alley between the two gangs, of the eight reported deaths due to gun violence, seven were injured.

Though from the eight reported deaths, a nearby dump had three bodies where they were left behind, reported the Daily Star.

Prosecutor Rafael Baloyes said that the bowling alley broke into violence when one member shot at their rival 'Los Galacticos.' Following next is a gunfight in the bowling alley.

During the return of gunfire, the one who shot first was killed by the rival gang in their return volley.

Medics who were at the scene informed that four of the victims who were caught in the crossfire of the gangsters had died at the hospital.

Involved gangs had been rival for years

Reports of the incident in Panama, Central America, alleged law enforcers had apprehended two individuals and one of the gangs whose brother got killed in the gunfight.

Local media in the area of Santa Ana revealed the rival armed gangs had had these interactions for years. This recent Squid game-inspired shootout at a Panama bowling alley is a terrible thing.

Police Director John Dornheim remarked that the suspects and casualties of those involved in the gunfight had criminal records and wounds from other times.

Bayoles spoke about the constant violence of these gangs, year and year out has made it stick that it will be hard to stamp out these criminals in the continuous wars.

He added that these gangs are often associated with illegal activities, including drugs on the street and club warfare, resulting in their criminally liable behavior.

In Panama, bowling alley violence is only one of the terrible incidents linked to such law offending behavior. More than one restaurant and place of business have been caught in the crossfire of reckless gunfights.

Authorities in Panama think the widespread gangster activity is connected to the illicit drug trade and tracking routes in the country.

Whenever a gang gets drugs from another, what follows is violent and gruesome crimes as retaliation by the offended party.

This is almost similar to the TV show that is very popular and features activities that are gang-like in nature.

Police warn about the extremely violent show

The Bangkok Post remarked that police had announced that the highly violent Korean show should be watched with caution due to the violent scenes that have a negative impression.

A police spokesperson said the images on the program should not be watched for their excessive content, with extremely violent characters that deserved the 18+ rating for guidance.

This means that Children should not be allowed to watch it when the pandemic keeps them indoors, especially now. Also, it raised fears would be that copycats would commit heinous crimes from watching.

The Squid game Inspired violence at a Panama bowling alley is only one of the show's influences on real life, which is too violent to mirror the display itself.