Plain as day, Putin outfoxes NATO on the Ukraine Border with overwhelming forces that can move at a moment's notice. It would leave the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in an unprepared state that would be deadly for its troops.

The EU has regarded Russian President Vladimir Putin as an adversary, especially the US using NATO allies to bait the Kremlin.

Movement ordered by the Kremlin in exercises that have moved personnel and armor the Ukrainian border has defanged any timely reaction by the NATO forces. Kyiv and the Allies are shocked by the move of the Russian army.

Kyiv can be taken?

Jen Stoltenberg remark how the allies should be aware of the threat the Russian Army poses. A report by US intelligence claimed the Kremlin might be trying to start an invasion, like in 2014 when Crimea was annexed, reported the Express UK.

This time, the immigrant surge continues close to the Belarusian and Polish border that has placed the EU at odds. Although they are saying in Brussels, it's all the handiwork of the Kremlin leader.

Stoltenberg remarked to the military drills ordered by the Kremlin in the west part of Russia, where the last few weeks had a massive movement of troops that was not the usual.

He added that Moscow is ready to deploy that kind of military capability to start aggressive actions directed at Ukraine, cited News 7 Trends. NATO is alert and keeping tabs on the situation, coordinating their movements with the European Union and Kyiv over the moves of Russian assets. Although mentioning that any sign of aggression is to be dealt with, Putin Outfoxes NATO on the Ukraine Border.

War fears on the border

Ukraine's foreign minister Dmytro Kuleba met with the NATO chief and spoke about the threat of Moscow's advanced hardware and military organization; he is seemingly primed to overcome his nation's defenses.

It is not comforting that satellite images show a massive Russian force that gathered close to the Ukraine border in the past weeks.

Most of the advanced hardware is arrayed in the area close by the Donbass region, where the Ukraine secessionists are encamped for the meantime.

Mr. Stoltenberg stated that the Kremlin be more transparent about how it deploys its forces in the region. Or there will be an undue escalation that should be vented off.

He added that Ukraine has a friend in NATO. Also, NATO will not agree to the illegal annexation of Crime; another is to stop support for the separatists at Donbass, noted Euro News.

NATO allies are together in condemning what Russia is doing on the border. Immediately, the Kremlin called the alliance too jumpy. It is not Moscow but NATO trying to provoke Russia, the reverse of everything.

The Belarusian dictator Alexander Lukashenko is charged with the influx of migrants to overload the Polish border and sow chaos with Latvia and Lithuania. He is under sanctions from Brussels too.

Belarus from October 2020 has been under restricted measures as well. One of the reasons is the elections of 2020 where Lukashenko won were not legitimate. Lukashenko represses free speech against his regime; he contests the sanctions.

Putin outfoxes NATO on the Ukraine Border that says keep out of Kremlin business. One more America cannot stop Russia either. It is using the alliance as cannon fodder. The EU is overloading at the Polish border that tells how ill-prepared for a war it is.