The EU is at crossroads with the crisis at the Belarusian Border that surprised Brussels. How they allow the migrant and border problem in Belarus has gotten out of control, not as a humanitarian crisis that is overloading the Polish border.

Allowing the situation to get out of control has caused dissension with members of the Bloc.

The world focuses on the people seeking to gain entry, but it is unclear if the EU will take them in.

No hope for immigrants

According to the Polish defense minister, Mariusz Błaszczak, any hope for a quick resolution has faded as the migrants pile up. Also, the conditions at the border are inhospitable, reported the Express UK.

He added that about 4,000 asylum seekers have come from the Middle East. They intend to enter through Poland and Lithuania as a backdoor to the greater EU member states.

One fatality was recorded when a teen boy froze to death in cold as the area reached negative three degrees Celsius. He is only one of the eight people who passed away since they rushed the border. However, there might be more who died said Pole activists.

The EU issued blistering charges that Lukashenko had initiated a hybrid war that used migrants as weaponized to force entry into Poland's border. Most were people from the ravaged areas of the Middle East. Upon entry to Belarus, there is no option but to seek entry illegally, noted NPR Org.

But the whole of the EU would not allow it to solve the crisis at the Belarusian Border.

No short solution in sight

Mr. Błaszczak has spoken to Poland's Radio Jedynka last Wednesday saying that it would take time to sort out. He added that it won't be a joke to unfurl the problem which might take years to fix.

A state of emergency is declared as the frontier was going out of hand. This is a move to shut out media and organizations that gave aid to refugees.

Last Tuesday, the situation took a turn for the worse because the Poles employed teargas and started shooting illegal crossers with water cannons to knock down those who dare cross over.

This week, the German Chancellor Angela Merkel tried to reason with Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko for a solution to the worsening border crisis. Her spokesperson Steffen Seibert remarked she tried to convince him to give care and a chance to get back to their country, cited France 24.

Polish President Andrzej Duda told the German leader that any agreement must be okay and not over their head.

Josep Borell as well the spokesperson for the EU foreign affairs chief said that the Belarusian leader Lukashenko is not legitimate. He alleged that the Belarus elections were rigged in August 2020.

Mr. Borell said that he is sanctioned for fraudulent elections, human rights, and oppression of the people.

But, the EU has relented and donated a significant amount for food, blankets, hygiene, and first aid to be given to asylum seekers stuck with nowhere at the border.

Will Brussels relent in the crisis at the Belarusian Border to solve it? Whatever action they take, the damage is already done especially amongst EU members.