YURI LASHOV/AFP via Getty Images

Russia gave a dire warning to passenger planes to be on the watch for US spy planes making more transits that coincide with commercial air travel flight paths.

The Kremlin said the tensions over the Black Sea and Ukraine had made a turn for the worst as western planes are more reckless.

Too many planes outside of borders that don't acknowledge radio hail and unsafe flying practices is a ticking time bomb.

Allies are panicking over the border buildup

The west says that Russian President Vladimir Putin looming orders to see forces roll over the border added more overflights to monitor Russian forces. Intelligence is crucial to gain on drill close to the south Russia border with Ukraine, reported the Express UK.

Russia sent the recent detection of a US Air Force RC-135, American CL-600, and a French Mirage 2000 headlong to the borders. It's normal for NATO to send monitoring aircraft towards Russian borders, but it is not the same due to Kiev accusations.

The Russian Federal Air Transport Agency is more alarmed by the frequency of flights in the same airspace shared by commercial aviation in the Black Sea.

To stress the dangerous situation, the agency released a statement that NATO is conducting unsafe operations near Russian Federation territory. It's clear the allies are neglecting the safety of passenger jets, cited Brinkwire.

Military aircraft neglects to avoid the common flight paths of passenger planes that happen earlier.

The near collision incident

One report by the Russian Federal Air Transport Agency recalled the recent near collision that happened over the Black Sea due to one of the reckless US spy planes.

On December 3, 2021, the incident occurred at precisely 9:53 AM over the Black Sea, which was covered by the morning's Russian air traffic services monitoring radar. A NATO CL-600 reconnaissance aircraft was lowering altitude from 9,200 meters that intersected a commercial flight path, noted Jaun News.

Operators were concerned that the US military plane had ignored directed at it. But, sent instructions to the passenger get for immediate course correction to avoid a collision.

Due to the reckless flight and not answering hails from control, the Russians will send a diplomatic protest that the NATO plane had ignored international rules and did not answer legal hails. The agency says it is not beneficial for the Black Sea region.

Russian Aeroflot civilian flight

Last Friday, a Russian Aeroflot civilian flight coming from Tel Aviv and lands at Moscow was nearly in the path of the US Artemis spy plane.

The flight crew of the civilian aircraft had to get urgent corrections from control fast to alter the current flight path that was intersecting the military plane. Course corrections by the Russian air traffic controllers are vital to safe flights over the Black Sea.

The Russian air agency is concerned over the activity of allied planes that requires more attention than usual; if lapsed will end in disaster.

A Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777 got shot down by a missile over eastern Ukraine. All 283 got killed with the 15 crew on board.

Russia is concerned about how much activity that US spy planes will incur; how it could impact civilian flight over these areas concerned.