Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Kamala Harris has been under critics calling her the worst vice president in the office with the worst poll numbers than President Biden.

Saying that staying in Washington due to the pandemic is her excuse for not dealing with domestic issues but was not cutting it her with critics. Her inaction was, according to observers in this crisis, the past year was lamentable, and all she just laughed it off.

Harris had been traveling outside the US

The real failure is not traveling, which she said was the problem, and several of these problems were domestic. It concerned the US Southern border that came under assault by an immigrant from South America, reported the Express UK.

The President gave her the task to deal with the US-Mexican border in the early days of 2021, many of her detractors said her inaction worsened the problems. It added to the low poll number of the White House in the handling of the border problem.

Ex-President Donald Trump, whose visit was more substantial, cited The Texas Tribune. He lamented what the Biden administration did to his policies. Still, the Vice-President never provided any serious input besides laughs when asked about it.

One of the alleged networks partial to the current government, CBS 'Face the Nation host Margaret Brennan dared the VP during a prerecorded interview broadcasted last Sunday. When asked by the host what her biggest error is the entire year over all the many mistakes heaped on her governance that left much to be desired.

Kamala Harris said to the host that she was in the nation's capital most of the time. She admitted there were several reasons that she defended.

The COVID-19 pandemic was to blame, saying that it lessened her and the president's chances to travel.

US vice president blames coronavirus

She said they were in the White House doing Zooms when they could not go out, limiting her chances of going out. Promoting voting rights, childcare, and women's health was her primary concern.

She spoke of what she did as critically important, enough to forget about the heaping looming problems and many asking for definitive action.

From the start of the border crisis, which was one of the issues closest to the American people, only got one visit from the vice-president. She visited the region in March but was not substantial.

She spent more time in California for a weekend than spending more time in El Paso, Texas. The job of fixing the border was not considered a high priority. What followed next was the volley of bi-partisan critique that scoured her for such inaction.

According to Texas Democrat Henry Cuellar, the New York Times commented that she is avoiding the border. On one occasion, Harris went to Guatemala and Mexico to discuss why the migrants were coming to the US, noted Fox News.

Went to US allies in Asia to signify support for them as the CCP is has become more active due to the US failure in Afghanistan. Another of her high-profile trips was going to France to discuss with President Emmanuel Macron the AUKUS pact.

Vice President Kamala Harris has shrunk in the eyes of her party for adding to its woes, even pro-White House outlets are turning on her and want her out.