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Poland was furious at Germany for acting to enforce the general rule of the European Union on all member states. Warsaw, very displeased with the development of a Fourth Reich, said it was not right.

The issue of independence of the Polish Court in deference to the EU is a big issue that the Polish government would not let go of.

Poland accuses Germany

According to the top Polish party chief, Jaroslaw Kaczyński, some nations are not exactly looking forward to imposing the Fourth Reich in Germany using the EU.

Poles would never agree to allow subjugation in the modern-day, speaking of the European Commission and how it interferes, reported the Express UK.

Kaczyński mentions that the EU's Court of Justice is a tool to slowly bring into line and federate all blocs; under their one authority.

This most recent attack came after the Polish PM Mateusz Moraqiecki and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz had aired grievances over the Nord Stream 2 pipeline; it piped-in natural gas from Russia to Germany, cited Financial Assets.

Scholz remarked that Berlin is adamant about keeping Ukraine as one of the key pipelines to keep gas flowing into Western Europe. The presence of Russian troops on the Ukraine border is causing political pressure on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. Poland is furious at Germany also for allowing the pipeline to exist.

This pipeline would be a direct conduit for gas supplies that will be going to Germany and bypass Ukraine altogether. It has not been approved due to delays in approval, and the US is demanding Germany shut it down if Kyiv is invaded.

Still, the new chancellor has disregarded Washington's demand and would not commit to its Atlantic ally. On his first trip to Warsaw as the new chancellor, he intends to keep the Ukrainian gas transit continue. He echoes what Angela Merkel, his predecessor wanted to do, noted the Straits Times.

The chancellor said that Germany would not let go of future opportunities. He added that Ukraine would develop green energy and all the production, with everything that comes from that.

Poland opposes operation of Nord Stream 2

Mr. Morawiecki argued that the Kremlin would fully take advantage of the pipeline and use it as leverage to pressure both Ukraine and the EU all in one go.

The Polish official was not reassured what scenarios could happen with the Nord Stream 2, saying that Vladimir Putin can choose to blackmail other Eastern European countries, speaking to Scholz about the Kremlin's options if the pipeline is open full blast.

Warsaw has told Brussels that it will still have its judicial independence for the rule of law and human rights. Funds from the EU Commission are held until the end of 2021, the tiff over independence is serious for them Poles.

Valdis Dombrovskis, European Commission Vice-President, said that approval would be at the year's later end, not finalized yet. He gave these statements in Brussels.

The EU fund has conditions attached to it, but the Polish PM said the EU is against Poland's constitution. But Poland was furious at Germany for pressuring to accept the EU laws that would encompass its different national constitution, but the discontent might lead to a Polexit.