Chinese surveillance is a concern at the Beijing Winter Olympics due to what the west fears would be attempts to compromise their athletes, which is yet to be proven.GOH CHAI HIN/AFP/GettyImages

Chinese surveillance is sophisticated with cameras that have facial recognition and phone data theft as threats that athletes face while competing in the Beijing Winter Olympics that concern other governments about the Olympians' security. They are asked to be extra careful in China since the CCP exercises control over everything.

All public spaces in the Peoples' Republic of China (PRC) are under surveillance 24/7, taking away privacy and omnipresent state control.

Olympians under surveillance in the Beijing Winter Olympics

Many governments may be overreacting to what is perceived as the Chinese state looking on their athletes while competing in the games, reported the Sun UK.

According to Will Geddes, a security expert and the founder of International Corporate Protection, monitoring them 24/7 is not a welcome thought.

He added the refinement of bugging technology in use makes all electronic communication covered, like the phones of foreigners.

One of the ways to stay in touch with a client going to China is to use a burner phone that will be sterilized to avoid any hacks.

All non-essentials are on the phone, but other relevant info would not be there for security purposes. Personal phones have all emails and images, and relevant electronic information is contained in them, and anyone having access to it can compromise privacy.

He added that connecting to a local network starts getting intercepted by Chinese surveillance without knowing. Next will be all personal data and phone logs that will be recorded in some device, and the device will be tracked wherever it goes in the Beijing Winter Olympics.

One way for athletes to keep in touch is to leave the mobiles at home using a burner phone to have fewer worries about getting tracked while in China, citing the Daily Mail.

FBI Recommends Burner Phones

Ted Cruz GOP, Texas Senator, said that the Chinese Communist Party controls and monitors the state. No place is not covered by surveillance or any citizen's privacy.

He added that US athletes would be subject to the prying eyes of Beijing that will compromise their privacy.

Knowing there will be attempts to compromise the privacy of the Olympians, preventive measures should be taken seriously.

The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) reminded the athletes that cyber-attacks could direct at mobile phones. An app for My2022 is supposed to be downloaded as Chinese officials require.

Furthermore, their personal phone should be left home, and getting another phone is the best option to prevent getting snooped on.

National Olympic Committees in the countries in the west are asking their Olympians to do the same thing. Cyber-security is at best allegedly not secure in the games, so burner phones are the best option. It's up to the participants to be aware of any suspicious electronic activity at all times.

The Toronto Citizen Lab has examined the app and remarked there are holes in it that will make it easy to hack. It will allow devices to be breached easily, and its built-in security is too flimsy. There are about 200 million cameras all over China that can do a lot in spying on people.

Aware of Chinese surveillance for all those joining the Beijing Winter Olympics that need burner phones as security to get athletes must do the information.