(Photo : Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
Former US National Security Adviser John Bolton has told the press that the EU could not stop Russian President Vladimir Putin despite warnings of sanctions.

A former Trump adviser doubled down on the alleged intention of Russia to overrun the bloc due to problems weakening the bloc.

Former US National Security Adviser John Bolton stated that the Russian leader Vladimir was committed to returning to the former USSR and regaining control over former Soviet block countries as NATO would be hard-pressed to contain a Russian advance.

He brought to attention unknown factors even though tough guy announcements for Joe Biden, not all EU members are inclined towards charges of an invasion.

Putin Wants To Restore Territories, Former Trump Adviser Says

Ex-President Donald Trump appointed Bolton in 2018, but he left after 16 months of service. He added that French President Emmanuel Macron wanted re-election when he spoke with Russian Leader Vladimir Putin.

The Ukraine standoff is tense due to claims by the White House of an invasion that the Kremlin denied, according to the Express UK.

He was the resource person of the organized by the Foreign Press Association, and his opening was that Putin is intent on returning Russian power to the USSR.

He added that one of the goals of Putin's regime was to restore the territories which were lost after the Cold War.

But the Bolton said that the Kremlin wants to drive apart NATO and its allies, rendering NATO weak means Russia gets what it wants, cited Eagles Vine.

President Biden has a problem getting the bloc countries to work together with nothing panning out. Washington has yet to announce it will act militarily if Russian rolls over the Ukraine border, as Bolton reveals.

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Even Washington is in the dark if sanctions can affect Russia or if the bloc will apply it.

Putin Shrugs Off US Sanctions 

One of these sanctions that the US administration says will not allow US banks to have any transactions from Ruble to American money.

This penalty would affect all transactions worldwide with foreign banks in ruble-dollar exchanges. It is a measure that might disadvantage US banking negatively.

The administration did not think it out as the large European, or Asian banks will be dealing with either nation's banks.

One comment by Germany's Chancellor Olaf Scholz remarked that should the European Union ignore the American imposition on dealing with ruble transactions.

It only makes the White House look ineffective, and Putin has trounced the US leader again.

Chancellor Scholz said the US administration said nothing and should stop being vague. Germany is one of the countries not listening to fear-mongering Joe Biden.

Bolton doubts whether NATO can ever be unified under the Biden administration as sanctions spoken of are only words, which Putin is shrugging off the US and steps ahead too, per  Independent.

He added that Macron made it clear that the EU should be talking to Putin, not the US, and he wants Paris to have a more significant role.

Bolton stated if the bloc wants to defend itself against Russia, it would be hard to do.

When the French president met Putin at the Kremlin, he has assured no invasion of Ukraine as opposed to what the US says.

Bolton adds that Vladimir Putin controls the gas and can buckle Brussels knee, as Joe Biden is still grasping for a reprieve. The Russian leader has prepared and can squeeze anytime.

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