US-ENVIRONMENT-PIPELINE-PROTEST Activists display banners referring to the shutting down of existing oil pipelines in the northern United States at Black Lives Matter Plaza in Washington, DC on April 1, 2021 one block from the White House as US President Joe Biden was holding his first cabinet meeting. DANIEL SLIM/AFP via Getty Images

Representative James Comer expresses dismay over the loss of energy independence as a direct cause of the Democrat's war over fossils fuels, driving gas prices into the ground and creating Ukraine stand-off.

President Joe Biden closing the Keystone XL pipeline on January 20 started a domino effect that ravaged US energy independence encouraged by Trump.

Now the US needs to beg for more production, and the EU is at the mercy of Vladimir Putin by allowing the Nord Stream 2 to continue.

Biden's Decisions Led Us to This Situation

Last Monday, Republican Representative James Comer from Kentucky told Newsmax that it is due to the president whose actions domestically and abroad have caused high gas prices.

Russia's keys by allowing the Nord Stream 2 to continue but stopping the Keystone XL pipeline is against national interest.

The Democrats have no regard for the effects of dependence on oil and gas abroad.

Speaking on the National Report, he said that concern about oil prices is rooted in Russia-Ukraine tensions.

He called it a repeat of Iran and Iraq, and when Kuwait got invaded by Iraq, it boils down to the price of fuel.

The GOP Rep said that the Biden administration is just like Clinton's, which was just as bad as its effects on American energy at a competitive disadvantage.

He added it helps America's adversaries like the 90's it was the Middle East. It is Vladimir Putin and Russia now, the second-largest oil-producing country in the world.

Oil prices rising is a threat to the economy, which is a grave threat today, showing a lack of energy independence.

It is on Joe's watch that has driven everything to such a dilemma that Russia gets the upper hand by crippling the economy.

The president and all his wrong policies have driven the situation to $5 or $6 a gallon; it's killing pockets everywhere.

Putin Not Shaken by Biden

Vladimir Putin does not concern himself with the US, and Biden has been wholly ineffective in keeping Russia from invading Ukraine. Everything this administration has done is to make Putin more powerful.

The White House does not have a strong leader in deterring Putin, and the Fall of Afghanistan has made strongmen leaders take note and take their shot at the US.

It seems the Kremlin smells that change, and it's not suitable for everyone, especially their Euro allies.

Last Monday, Moscow was not keen on any summit with Biden, who does not exude force. Putin spoke to Emmanuel Macron and agreed on principle, cited Reuters.

GOP Comer added a letter from U.S. Ambassador Bathsheba Nell Crocker to Michelle Bachelet, the UN Commissioner Human Rights, warning of violation by Russia if they conquer Ukraine.

It's well known that the Russian leader is adept at going after his political adversaries, most just vanish, and he's very determined to win.

The recent meeting between Moscow and Paris is not a good sign; getting sidelined by the Kremlin indicates that Biden is a non-entity.

Overall, the situation is dire, and Russia is free to do what it wants; the president is not doing what must be done.

Rep. James Comer is not pleased with how the event will grind the US economy, all because of the reversal of Donald Trump's policies that led to undermining America's energy independence.