U.S. President Joe Biden delivers remarks about Russia's "unprovoked and unjustified" military invasion of neighboring Ukraine in the East Room of the White House on February 24, 2022 in Washington, DC. Biden announced a new round of sanctions against Russia after President Vladimir Putin launched an attack on Ukraine from the land, sea and air on Thursday. Drew Angerer/Getty Images

President Joe Biden's weakness caused Russia to invade Ukraine after a lengthy standoff at the border when the allies blinked.

Despite offers to de-escalate if NATO would not admit Kyiv and stop eastward expansion of the west, Washington and NATO allies ignored him.

The long-drawn diplomacy caved after Russian leader Vladimir Putin ordered the special operation to free Donbas and Luhansk.

Poll Shows Biden's Mistakes

In the poll, many respondents think that the mistakes of the Biden administration and weakness drove Putin's rollout of a Russian blitzkrieg that overran Ukrainian forces. About two-thirds of Americans noted that in the Friday poll, reported the Daily Mail.

Carried out by the Harvard Center for American Political Studies-Harris Poll survey pointing to 62 percent saying that if it were anyone else than the democrat president, the invasion would not happen.

Former President Donald Trump is a more decisive leader who would have prevented the Kremlin from daring to attack while he was in office.

Poll percentages pared-down would reveal that 39 percent of Democrats with 85 percent of Republicans were confident that if Trump won, there would be no Ukraine standoff compared to what is happening now.

Numbers show how low Biden has sunk as a leader in America's eyes, and his indecision has caused the fall of another country after Afghanistan, in a published survey by The Hill.

But a segment of 38 percent thought it would happen, neither GOP nor Dem. They weren't surprised at how it happened and is used as an alleged justification, laying the fault on Biden's weakness pushing to invade Ukraine.

About 41 percent stressed that it would not matter who the president is on whether the Kremlin decides to invade Ukraine.

As the Ukraine invasion unfolded, the White House gave its support and unconditionally called Putin's move to move in and assist two provinces as a relentless attack.

Kyiv is begging for military assistance that did not come, but only strong sanctions on several Russian banks, Oligarchs, and family members. It did not faze the Russian leader, who mocked the US leader instead.

The White House ordered an arms package for Ukraine, which included extracting the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky since he is the top hit for Russian kill squads, but he stayed to rally civilian support.

Weakness of the Biden Administration

The US sanctioned the Russian leader, as confirmed last Friday, by the White House.

Despite begging by some US lawmakers and Ukraine VIPs noted Vanity Fair, Biden failed to convince allies to remove Moscow from the SWIFT international banking system.

Many fear that it would have adverse effects that the US administration does not consider, despite the damage it could do.

The crashing poll numbers of the president compared to the rise of Trump courtesy of shooting himself in the foot. Several alleged failures include getting beaten by the Taliban army in Afghanistan.

Another is how the pandemic has worsened under him despite the tool left by Trump that Biden squandered.

A total of 2,026 registered voters took part from February 23 to 24 to offset claims that it is rigged, it has a wide demographic.

It's evident the poll targets Joe Biden's weakness that prompted Vladimir Putin to invade Ukraine, but if Trump were there, that would not have happened. That is getting ironic due to the alleged irregularities in the 2020 US elections.