Prime Minister Viktor Orban has called Brussels response to the Hungary-EU Row autocratic and seems not to want him to win the recently held elections to change the tone.ATTILA KISBENEDEK/AFP via Getty Images

Prime Minister Viktor Orban made it clear that a Hungary-EU Row is about him winning the elections in the first place.

Orban's support for Russian President Vladimir Putin and the pressure to cut Russian oil are the issues Brussels has pushed against him. Now the European Council is making an unprecedented move directed against the Hungarian leader.

EU Pressures Budapest

Hungary is the target of Brussels because of the dominant victory of the PM in the concluded election, reported the Express UK.

A new disciplinary procedure against Budapest was begun by the European Council that might stop EU funds due to charges that a case of compromising liberal democratic rights led to the dismal defeat of a pro-EU party.

An EU official expects the PM to identify as an illiberal to make declarations about the bloc. So much so that officials acknowledged the fourth electoral victory of Mr. Orban as uncontested.

His victory came despite years of EU criticism that he was eroding liberal democratic rights and accusations that he was enriching his allies with EU funding, noted Reuters.

EU Goes After Orban

According to the EU Commission, President Ursula von der Leyen, who spoke to MEPs a week ago, saying that Hungary has committed corruption, cited Euronews.

She added that a formal notification letter to start the conditionality mechanism would be started.

Gergely Gulyas, the chief of staff Gergely Gulyas told state news agency MTI the dominant Fidesz party won 2.9 million votes in the Sunday elections, which is a very strong mandate for Prime Minister Viktor Orban that the Hungary-EU Row wants to make something off.

The PM called out the European Commission because it could not accept his win over opponents leaning toward Brussels in major setback over the current political situation regarding Ukraine.

Gulyas remarked that the Commission does not accept the election result as a basic rule of democracy, not letting subjectivity happen.

He said the council should consider common sense and dialogue, not what it is resorting to.

Hungary's currency, the forint, crashed as the funds for Budapest might be cut off or reduced due to the actions of the body.

An insider told Reuters it would take months for the Commission to finish internal work on the issue and present it to the EU's national leaders for a judgment.

EU is pushing its new tool, designed to stop the misuse of EU budget funding, to the trial for the first occasion.

When it was established in 2020, all the 26 EU leaders accepted it, but the Hungarian PM and allies weren't all for it.

Luxembourg is the meeting place for all EU affairs ministers under the General Affairs Council, which is the venue for discussion after the announcement by Von der Leyen.

Richer EU members want to guarantee that all funds are used correctly for Warsaw and Budapest's benefit. But these rich members are not paying if their conditions are not met.

An unnamed EU diplomat said it should be done right; for the future.

Prime Minister Viktor Orban called the Hungary-EU Row a sign of no unity in the bloc, especially with Washington pressuring Brussels to its agenda and them complying.