(Photo : Moses Robinson)
As the US President's son awaits the results of an investigation into his personal finances, it has been reported that Hunter Biden had a tax bill of more than $2 million paid in full by a high-powered Hollywood lawyer and writer.

Hunter Biden's tax issues were supposedly paid off with a $2 million loan from a Hollywood lawyer, who is purportedly working on a documentary about the scandal-plagued first son's life since his notorious international business transactions.

The endeavor is reportedly part of Kevin Morris' legal and publicity strategy in the wake of a federal grand jury investigation into Biden's possible tax evasion, money laundering, and lobbying law breaches.

Hollywood Lawyer Pays Hunter Biden's $2 Million Tax Bill

According to CBS News, who originally reported on the two men's links, it was revealed by a Democratic Party source in Washington, DC. South Park founders Matt Stone and Trey Parker are among Morris' clients, and he was a co-producer of their Tony-winning Broadway musical "The Book of Mormon."

According to a person acquainted with their connection, Morris is referred to by Biden's friends as the latest sugar brother to President Joe Biden's kid. Morris covers the rent on Hunter Biden's $20,000-a-month home in swank Malibu, California, and other living expenses, in addition to floating the amount of Hunter Biden's IRS bills, which might make it more difficult for prosecutors to indict or jail the first son for tax evasion, according to reports.

He's also been counseling the first son on how to sell his artwork, which has aroused concerns about possible influence-peddling, according to the source. Morris is a founding member of the Los Angeles law firm Morris Yorn Barnes Levine, which has represented Matthew McConaughey, Ellen DeGeneres, Scarlett Johansson, Liam Hemsworth, and Chris Rock, among others. He no longer works for the company.

When a reporter from The New York Post tried to call Morris at his Malibu home to inquire about his ties with Hunter Biden, his wife slammed the door in his face and refused to answer questions.

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Hunter Biden's taxes were investigated when his father was still Vice President of the United States during the Obama administration. However, once it was discovered that the 52-year-old may have used political clout to influence commercial agreements, the investigation was expanded to include alleged tax fraud, money laundering, and lobbying law crimes in 2018.

Then, in October 2020, the New York Post reported on the existence of the now-famous Hunter Biden laptop, a damaged MacBook Pro that the President's son had taken to a Wilmington, Delaware repair shop but never returned.

Since then, more than 20,000 emails have been retrieved from the laptop's hard disk, which is considered to include considerable proof of Hunter Biden's illicit business practices. The New York Times claimed that prosecutors may have a difficult time convicting Hunter Biden of tax fraud and that if convicted, he would likely receive a light term because the amount was eventually paid, although late.

However, the inquiry into his business transactions, which is backed up by a plethora of confirmed emails on his laptop, means the struggling son of the US president might face serious penalties.

Hunter Biden is one of the key targets for the Kentucky lawmaker who will head Republican investigations if the GOP retakes the House in 2022. Hunter Biden and his business colleagues have many questions to answer, according to Rep. James Comer, who is about to take over as head of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform.

He acknowledged that the White House would be questioned about whether the president was aware of any of the transactions, and he feels that American citizens are finally realizing that the Hunter issue isn't a conspiracy theory and are questioning the administration's ethics and openness, Daily Mail reported.

Related Article: Hunter Biden Probe: Lawsuit Filed Against President Joe Biden, Administration Officials Over Big Tech Pressure To Censor Issue
