Leading Democrats are attempting to handle the news that inflation has reached a 40-year high as Republicans continue to attack the economy in the run-up to the midterm elections in November. Chip Somodevilla/ Getty Images

President Biden has been chastised for refusing to accept even partial responsibility for many escalating problems, as petrol prices in many areas have surpassed $5 per gallon due to continuing inflation.

Over the weekend, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg dismissed allegations that the administration could take significant action to provide relief to Americans, saying that there is no dial-in in the Oval Office to change gas prices. Instead, he slammed oil CEOs.

Joe Biden's Inability To Fix Crises

On 'The Five,' co-host Jesse Watters expressed surprise that Biden continues to assert he can't do anything to assist alleviate the present situation. Watters went on to say that while Biden and his cabinet continue to highlight their inability to solve the issues, they also claim they can reduce the world's temperature by transitioning the US to a dependency on green energy.

Watters stated that Biden had the opportunity to remove Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell of his duties when his term just ended, but he decided to keep the Trump appointment, according to Fox News.

Meanwhile, according to officials and associates, Biden has often complained to advisers that he is less popular with Donald Trump and voiced displeasure that he was not adequately told about the infant formula situation.

A new survey finds that the president himself is the most concerning the source of worry in a White House rife with accusations that it is failing to communicate its message to voters. As a result, morale is plummeting amid worries that a spate of crises will cast him as the worst Democratic president since Jimmy Carter's disastrous tenure.

According to Politico, Biden recently exploded about how he was not brought up to date on the magnitude of the infant formula crisis that plagued most of the country. He expressed his sentiments in phone calls to supporters after viewing cable news footage of young moms in tears as they detailed their fears of not being able to feed their children.

Poll ratings have plummeted as a result of the problems, which range from rising gas costs and skyrocketing inflation to shelf shortages. For Biden, the plummeting surveys suggest that his popularity ratings are now lower than Donald Trump's at this point in his administration.

POTUS' Declining Approval Ratings

According to FiveThirtyEight's average of many recent surveys, the president's approval rating is slightly above 40%, and 41.6 percent of respondents backed Trump at this point in his tenure. Trump's approval rating is now lower than that of all of his predecessors since World War II, and he had long been an exception to the rule. According to reports, Biden considers his predecessor to be "the worst president in history" and an existential threat to the nation's democracy.

Following publication, White House spokeswoman Andrew Bates denied the Politico accusations of rage and dissatisfaction. The president has been particularly enraged by the infant formula situation. It has disproportionately impacted the blue-collar families with whom he connects.

As a result, he publicly stated that it took weeks for facts of the crisis to reach him, prompting advisers to fear he appeared out of touch. As a result, there has been confusion over who knew what and when, as well as some ludicrous news conferences when Biden's new press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, refused to reveal who had briefed the president.

Adrienne Elrod, a top adviser on Biden's transition team, put it succinctly. This week, Biden will go to California for the Summit of the Americas and to New Mexico to emphasize his climate change efforts. Aides believe that getting him out there would allow him to deliver a narrative of progress to voters while supporters sharpen their assaults on Republicans as out of touch, Daily Mail reported.
