(Photo : Drew Angerer/Getty Images)
While Vice President Kamala Harris briefly discussed the fatal shooting at a Fourth of July parade in Highland Park, Illinois, President Joe Biden declares that despite all obstacles, the United States continues to have the best economy in the world.

In a message commemorating the Fourth of July, President Biden said that America's brightest days still lie ahead.

Biden will spend Independence Day with First Lady Jill Biden, who will host a barbecue for military families at the White House. Later, the pair will watch the fireworks show in downtown Washington, DC.

Biden's Fourth of July Message

Biden subsequently tweeted that his thoughts are with Americans who have dedicated their lives to the service of their nation. Biden also recognized service troops who had sworn their lives to safeguard the country. "We are in trouble."

The White House published a quick video praising the extended July 4th weekend from the Biden-Harris administration. Vice President Kamala Harris also sent a statement in honor of Independence Day.

Harris is in Los Angeles all day Monday and has nothing scheduled for the 4th. According to Fox News, she is scheduled to fly to Chicago, Illinois, on Tuesday, following a violent holiday weekend in which over 54 people were shot.

The conservative-leaning Supreme Court pulled down federal abortion rights ten days ago, overturning the landmark 1973 decision Roe v. Wade. The president's statements were not entirely depressing. He attempted to promote the economy, claiming that "despite all of our issues, we have the strongest economy in the world."

Last year, Biden hosted a Fourth of July party at the White House, but the Delta variation of COVID-19 stopped progress soon after. The president and first lady returned to Washington earlier Monday, accompanied by son Hunter, his wife Melissa, and baby Beau.

The first family arrived as authorities sought the shooter who opened fire and murdered at least six people in Highland Park. In a statement published immediately after landing, the president called the horrific shooting tragic and said there was still work to be done on gun control.

Hunter Biden's presence coincides with senior House Republicans, including House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, vowing to prosecute him, Daily Mail reported.

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Biden Emphasizes Unity During Independence Day Speech

Exactly a year ago, Biden presided over a similar Independence Day celebration, which was described as the first major public spectacle since the COVID-19 outbreak.

With the economy roaring back to life, the president's support rating was in the mid-50s, and Fed policymakers continued to dismiss inflation as a "transitory" problem. Biden's situation has only gotten worse since then.

Even though the pandemic's impact has faded, his polling numbers have dropped by 20%, implying that around one-third of people who said they appreciated the job he was doing a year ago no longer do.

Only 14% of Americans say the country is heading the right way, compared to 44% a year ago. Prices have risen by about 10%, and while unemployment is near an all-time low, millions of Americans are concerned about a looming recession, as per New York Daily News via MSN.

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