As Russia advances ints invasion in Ukraine, President Vladimir Putin urges Russian forces to pushe harder after capturing Lysychansk. MIKHAIL KLIMENTYEV/SPUTNIK/AFP via Getty Images

Russian military was instructed to advance farther into Eastern Ukraine on Monday, as local officials cautioned people to escape the battle lines following the seizure of Lysychansk.

Vladimir Putin directed his soldiers to push through with Moscow's attack in the Donbas area after a months-long fight over the Luhansk Oblast. During their discussion on Monday, Putin stated that he had received proposals from two top generals on how to continue the offensive operation.

Russia Almost Entirely Razed Lysychansk, Severodonetsk

A Russian artillery bombardment on Slovyansk, some 40 miles from the defeated town, killed at least six people and injured others hours after Moscow declared victory over Lysychansk, the last Ukrainian-held stronghold in Luhansk. Slovyansk, where many of the Ukrainian forces who had previously defended Luhansk have now withdrawn, and neighboring Kramatorsk stand in Russia's way of capturing the whole Donbas.

Ukraine's military forces stated the troops were evacuated to save lives in the face of Russia's supremacy with long-range weaponry and to establish better defensive lines in preparation for future counter-offensives. During Russia's attempts to conquer Haidai, the two largest towns, Lysychansk and Severodonetsk, were almost totally burnt to the ground by artillery and rocket bombardment, as per Telegraph.

Despite Ukrainian forces pulling back in a tactical retreat, Moscow claims the whole city of Severodontesk, while doubts persist over the village of Lysychansk. With the conflict costing Russia dearly in terms of lives and equipment, others argue that the Kremlin has lost its way.

Some Western commentators are calling one such action a war crime, citing the embargo of food and grain from Ukraine as a key element. According to the British Ministry of Defence (MoD), with harvest started, Russia's invasion continues to have a catastrophic impact on Ukraine's agricultural industry.

Furthermore, the character of Russian assaults on Ukraine is beginning to show symptoms of desperation. The latest attack on a shopping center revealed Moscow's dependence on outdated weaponry, the majority of which are employed at a distance with minimal accuracy.

UK Imposes Further Sanctions Against Russia, Belarus

According to Ukrainian authorities, Russia has lost 36,200 soldiers, 217 planes, 187 helicopters, and almost 1,500 tanks. A recent analysis illustrates how the top ranks are affected at the senior level. Since the commencement of the conflict, two Russian Lieutenant-Generals, and eight Major-Generals have been killed, along with 23 Colonels and 164 Captains. A total of 821 senior officers are expected to have died in combat, according to Express.

Meanwhile, Britain will penalize Belarus further today for its backing of President Putin's unlawful invasion of Ukraine. Imports of Belarusian iron and steel will be prohibited, as will exports of British artworks and designer handbags. More of its subsidiaries will be barred from operating in the UK's financial services industry. Belarus has aided Russia's disastrous invasion of Ukraine by launching assaults from its territory and allowing Russian planes to use its airspace.

Russia's slow push through eastern Ukraine resumed Tuesday, with forces aiming for complete control of the Donbas region after conquering the Luhansk region. Putin complimented them and advised them to relax and regain their military fitness.

However, the Ukrainian military is holding out in the neighboring area of Donetsk after reducing personnel and equipment losses. Zelensky has sworn to reclaim the region lost to Russia, but this will need continuous military and financial assistance from the West, Daily Mail reported.
