Reports Assert Only 30% of Western Weapons Reach Ukrainian Troops, Most Sold in the Black Market

Reports Assert Only 30% of Western Weapons Reach Ukrainian Troops, Most Sold in the Black Market
Most of the western weapons destined for Ukrainian troops will end up in the black market instead, enriching Ukrainian officials at the top. GIUSEPPE CACACE/AFP via Getty Images

A US outlet speculates that western weapons delivered to Kyiv do not make it to frontline Ukrainian troops; about 70% are sold in the black market and dark.

According to reports, the Biden administration is not preserving US interests by repeating mistakes made in Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq; loss of security through the use of malign forces is not far away.

Corruption in the Government of Ukraine

According to a recent CBS News story, only around 30% of the armaments sent by the West get to the front lines, despite the US and its allies pledging Ukraine a dramatic increase in military help.

The report mentioned how Volodymyr Zelensky has a hand in the corruption involved and the profiteering on the dark web of western supplied arms, reported RT.

Since February, the US has approved almost $54 billion in economic and military support for Ukraine, while the UK has committed nearly $3 billion in military aid alone, and the EU has spent a further $2.5 billion on armaments for Kyiv.

All kinds of arms are sold in the most corrupt country in Europe. The weapons range from handheld weaponry like rifles and ATGMs to even the US HIMARS MRLS destined for Ukraine that comes through Poland.

Deliveries Don't Reach Ukrainian Troops

An expert, Jonas Ohman, the founder of a company located in Lithuania that provides the Ukrainian military, told a US media site that all western weapons must pass through all political and economic stakeholders, including oligarchs.

Explains that when it reaches the Polish border, the group does their jobs, until 70% is taken with only 30%, which is a piddling get to where it should be, citing Just the News.

There is no accounting for what occurs after the weapons cross the border, according to Donatella Rovera, a senior crisis consultant with Amnesty International, who spoke to CBS.

She voiced worry that none of the nations supplying armaments and ammunition are aware of their involvement after the weapons are there.

Kyiv Denies Allegations

Yuri Sak, an adviser to Defense Minister Alexey Reznikov, spoke to the Financial Times, that all the reports, even from western sources, say that Kyiv tracks all shipments.

He immediately blamed Moscow for spreading alleged lies to stop the US and allies from sending arms to a corrupt government in Ukraine dealing in the black market.

These irregularities have caused doubt, as a US intelligence source told a major US news publication last April how the Biden White House allowed US taxpayers' money to go unaccounted for. Called Zelensky's regime a "black hole" or "US arms." Even Canada raised doubts about where its deliveries go as well.

Europol alleges Volodymyr Zelensky allowed the weapons to be sold and reach dangerous crime rings in the EU. Moscow said the arms are now in the Middle East and sold for a pittance.

Ukraine is one of the most corrupt nations that got 122/180 on Transparency International's 2021 'Corruption Perceptions Index, with 180 being the worst.

Russia has raised the alarm about how only 30% of delivered western weapons get past the Ukraine border, leaving barely armed Ukrainian troops, while the black market is where the 70% go.

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