Russia reported official testing of a 2S25 amphibious tank destroyer with a 125-mm self-propelled anti-tank gun (ATG) that will be added to its army. Armed with a T-90 main gun to destroy main battle tanks (MBT) and called by the military a "Tank Buster Devil."

Light Russian Tank Developed for Mobile Forces

Sputnik was informed by Vladimir Artyakov, the first deputy CEO of Rostec, a government-owned Russian defense firm. It passed state inspections, he added. The prototype is intended to receive the O1 label, after which the vehicle can be put into operation, reported EurAsian Times.

The revised unit was given the name 01 based on the modification based on the test findings. The revised unit now has an artillery missile system and is amphibious, per Military Today.

According to Artyakov, this light tank can fire simultaneously, is agile and maneuverable, and traverse water barriers without special training.

A tank destroyer built to function in various battle settings can work at higher elevations, in tropical climates, and even on swampy terrain.

According to the deputy CEO of Rostec, it possesses the same firepower as the T-80 and T-90 MBTs and can traverse on both land and water like the BMD-4M and BMP-3 infantry combat vehicles (IFVs). It claims to be superior to other fighting systems.

The tank killer has a range of up to 500 kilometers and can land with a crew on board. Russia's airborne forces have been the primary design focus for the improved 2S25 vehicle.

Potent Tank Buster

The first deputy CEO does not mention the debut date for the 2S25 amphibious tank destroyer. The Volgog rad Tractor Plant's design department created Sprut-SD, the first 2S25, in the middle of the 1980s, according to Global Security.

The main cannon is being modernized in response to the growing risks on the contemporary battlefield, according to an interview with numerous Russian experts on the subject. The military-industrial complex saw a major improvement as a result.

A self-propelled anti-tank gun that was modified in 2015 and incorporated all the latest upgrades that will be incorporated into the Russian army. The special operations carried out in Ukraine, and the battle experience gained in Syria account for all the adjustments in artillery systems.

Specialized Armored Vehicles

A light tank and mobile anti-tank gun for the VDV (Airborne Forces) and Naval Infantry is intended to be carried and parachuted-dropped by heavy military transport by Russian paratroopers. It is comparable to airborne infantry combat vehicles with swimming and mobility despite being a light tank.

A 125mm two-axis stabilized smoothbore tank cannon, projectile guidance control, a day or night aiming system, and the standard gunner's sight are important weapon systems. 7.62 mm machine gun at the ready.

A mobility system for mountains and rugged terrain is easier with a robust engine for a lighter chassis, utilizing either rubber-coated shoes or snow-riding tracks for surface traction. It has an adjustable height system to be less observable when in operations.

Protected light aluminum alloy was designed for airborne delivery, with three crew inside the light tank, cited Military Factory.

The 2S25 amphibious tank destroyer is a lighter vehicle with an MBT large gun and the mobility of an IFV for mobile forces of the Russian Military.