An ally of former United States President Donald Trump, L. Lin Wood, who is a trial lawyer, is set to testify before a Georgia grand jury in relation to the Republican businessman's attempts to overturn his election loss in the state. Wood said that he would testify before the jury because he has nothing to hide.Photo by Brandon Bell/Getty Images

One of former United States President Donald Trump's allies, L. Lin Wood, a trial lawyer and an ardent supporter of the Republican businessman, is set to testify before a Georgia grand jury in relation to an election interference investigation.

Wood is known to have pushed a number of falsehoods about election fraud after the 2020 presidential elections. In a phone call, the individual said that his lawyer had been informed that his testimony was being sought by the Fulton County District Attorney's Office.

L. Lin Wood

The Trump supporter said that he would comply with the request and go before the special grand jury that has been investigating the efforts of the former president and his allies to reverse his election loss.

Wood said that he did not do anything wrong, arguing that he had nothing to hide, which is the reason he gave for accepting the request to testify. Prosecutors have been working to secure Wood's testimony for the closed-door grand jury sessions.

The trial lawyer earned national fame for taking on high-profile clients, most notably Richard A. Jewell, who was wrongly suspected of setting off a bomb at the Atlanta Olympics in 1996, as per the New York Times.

Prosecutors involved in the election-meddling case noted last week that Wood had given a December 2021 interview to CNBC in which he spoke of hosting meetings "at a plantation in South Carolina for the purpose of exploring options to influence the results of the November 2020 elections in Georgia and elsewhere."

The court filing also noted that the meetings had been attended by Sidney Powell, Michael Flynn, and other individuals known to be associated with the Trump campaign. Wood added that he had been informed that he was a material witness but that he had not been informed that he was a target of the investigation.

According to Yahoo News, Wood is the latest in a growing number of Republicans who have been asked to appear before the grand jury to answer questions related to Trump's attempts to overturn his Georgia loss.

Trump's Allies

The Georgia investigation has involved Sen. Lindsey Graham, former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, Rudy Giuliani, and several Trump allies. Wood later noted that he had no relevant knowledge to offer to the grand jury, calling the subpoena against him "harassment."

On Telegram, Wood shared a letter that his lawyer, Ibrahim Reyes received from Trina Lucas, a deputy chief investigator with the Fulton County District Attorney's office. Lucas informed Reyes that the Georgia grand jurors were requesting to subpoena Wood to provide testimony.

The letter adds that if Reyes could not or would not accept the subpoena on Wood's behalf they will begin the material witness subpoena process immediately in an effort to get the Trump ally's testimony, Reuters reported.

Another individual who was requested to testify for the investigation is Brian Kemp, the governor of Georgia, who has previously attempted to avoid testifying before the grand jury. However, a Georgia judge denied the request on Monday, forcing the official to appear before the jury.

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