The introduction of the Mohajer-6 long-range unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in the fray of the Ukrainian conflicts is a change in the Russian strategy atypical of its usual methods.

These unmanned drones were used to attack Odessa and Dnepropetrovsk as part of Moscow's offensive. Using drones by the Ukrainians is not as effective as more electronic jammers will sever the remote link with the operator.

Russia Deploys Iranian UAV in Ukraine

Another more sinister drone was recently introduced, the Iranian Shahed 136, a delta wing suicide drone that has caused damage to Ukrainian military personnel and equipment.

According to Taghrib News Agency, Russian President Vladimir Putin deployed another Iranian UAV to the battlefield, the Mohajer-6, to add pain to Kyiv as another weapon to dispatch Ukrainians without endangering men or equipment. It is much bigger than the Shahed 136 for other missions and is used like the US predator UAV.

Non-Russian sources have mentioned that these unmanned aircraft were used to attack targets in Odessa and Dnepropetrovsk. The Ukrainians are limiting info about these weapons systems' use.

These Mohajer-6 long-range unmanned aerial vehicles are capable of aerial attacks with various guided ordnance, including bombs and shorter-range missiles. It has a total capacity of arming up to four weapons mounted on it.

Another function of the drone is intelligence and surveillance reconnaissance (ISR) installed in the same electro-optical system equipped on the delta wing suicide drone. The system searches for targets 12 km away and locks on a chosen target 10 km away.

The systems equipped on the UAV are an electro-optical, laser, and infrared detection system; they can loiter for targets of opportunity for about half a day, and last is a 100-kg payload to attack targets over Ukraine.

Since the middle of September, a transport aircraft flight connecting the Iranian Army and Revolutionary Guard Corps has made delivery flights to Russia. Onboard is a lot of the drones used to attack Kyiv.

One report by the Wall Street Journal cites sources like Ukrainian troops that mention attacks by Iranian UAVs, the Shahed 136. The dive bombing drones had more impact than other Russian arms.

Difference Between the Mohajer-6 and Shahed 136

The Shahed 136 weapon is a one-time-use system, a flying missile meant to attack as a suicide weapon. But the Mohajer-6 is for attacks at stand-off distances to bomb and fire missiles from a safe distance, farther from contact with enemies.

No indicators show the weapon system's total effect in the Ukrainian battle theatre or how many have been used. Another is how involved Iranians are in the UAV operations with Russians.

Drone variety for Iran has yielded high-end drones, and the Shahed 191 and stealth-like wing designs are also survivable. Iranian technology has bypassed sophisticated drone defenses better than Kyiv's, reported Military Watch Magazine.

The Mohajer-6 is a more prominent and cost-effective weapon, adding more damage to Moscow's adversaries. Russia has less developed UAV technology than Iran, which it wants to have by buying drones like the Mohajer-6 long-range unmanned aerial vehicle.