China's J-20 Mighty Dragon with GJ-11 stealth drone is a game-changer in the loyal wingman strategy as the latest Chinese technology.STR/AFP via Getty Images

Images from Chinese state media CCTV shows the PLAAF J-20 Mighty Dragon allegedly flying with GJ-11 stealth drone units, seen as a future force initiative for modern Air Forces.

These unmanned UAVs are seen as force multipliers for fighter units that are seen as the next stage. Western countries are striving to develop the first robotic air units to be working sooner, the US especially.

Dual-Seater Mighty Dragons To Operate Soon

The introduction of the J-20AS first seen in October 2021, is alleged to be directing three loyal wingmen drones in formation. These UAVs are stealth capable as well, according to Warrior Maven.

Chinese military planners have intended the dual-seater Mighty Dragons to operate the second seat for a trainee or weapon systems officer who operates other systems on the Chinese stealth fighter.

Though the twin seater is a 5th generation stealth fighter, the PLAAF envisions it as a bridge to the 6th gen by operating its wingmen drones. Despite being different from the F-35, which is expected to leverage its own drones.

One is a long-range heavy fighter, and the other is a light one, the Chinese and American 5th gen fighters also have different missions, but drones seem to be the common denominator.

Developing a two-seater is a logical choice, but the F-35 has no such version stated by the USAF. So, the Joint Strike Fighter is not maximized at all, and the US is supposed to be pushing for the Next Generation Air Dominance fighter program (NGAD), citing Defense News.

The US 6th gen fighter will have a second seat as a standard configuration, with the J-20 Mighty Dragon and GJ-11 stealth drone as a start for now.

Only the Mighty Dragon and Joint Strike Fighter are the only fully functional stealth fighter in service, with enough numbers for squadron level.

Chinese Wingman Drones

J-20 Mighty Dragon lacks a tail and a flying wing with less radar reflection or optimal stealth that will be hard to lock on the paired drone. Both are expected to avoid detection, but the problem is the drone is not as fast or capable of aerial agility, reported Military Watch Magazine.

Such limitation will not optimize the loyal wingman for all missions; a fast J-20AS would outrun it at Mach 2.

One notable thing is that primitive flying wing UAVs of Iran have seen much use, and Tehran, other than China and US, is the few to develop such simple lethality. An instance is that modern US defenses have been bypassed by such off-the-shelf drones, which is surprising.

As a force multiplier, the Chinese drone is speculated to be as dangerous as any F-35 and F-22, with the PL-15 and the PL-XX air-to-air missiles as threats to 5th and earlier generation fighters. This killer lethality and capability mix is a slam-bang combo with the Mighty Dragon.

The PL-15, which serves as the J-20's principal armament, is presently a close contender as the most capable air-to-air missile constructed for fighter-sized airplanes, including its AESA radar and 200-250km range capabilities that few can rival.

In the long term, the J-20 is anticipated to be partnered with other drone types better suited to air-to-air operations, most notably the Dark Sword unpiloted fighter, which also made its debut in 2018.

The J-20AS and the GJ-11 stealth drone compete with the Boeing MQ-28 Ghost Bat and the Russian S-70 Okhotnik.