The European Commission condemned Russia's drone attacks as "war crimes."Paula Bronstein/Getty Images

Russia's latest missile attacks on Ukrainian power infrastructure resulted in a massive energy outage in Ukrainian villages, towns, and portions of two cities on Wednesday, authorities said.

For almost two weeks, Russian drone attacks and other weapons targeted Ukraine's essential infrastructure. The onslaught comes as Russian soldiers are pulled back to the ground, AP News reported.

Moscow's attacks on Ukraine's vital energy infrastructure should be viewed as "war crimes," according to the chairman of the European Commission.

The attacks, according to Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, are acts of sheer horror that highlight "a new chapter" in an already extremely terrible conflict.

Speaking to lawmakers on Wednesday at the European Parliament, von der Leyen condemned Russia's Russian drone attacks on civilian infrastructure with the clear aim to cut off men, women, and children of water, electricity, and heating with the winter coming, per CNN.

She noted that "these are acts of pure terror and we have to call it as such."

Russia's Recent Attacks Target Ukraine's Energy Infrastructure

It has become clear in recent days that the Kremlin has started a comprehensive attack on Ukrainian power infrastructure, cutting off water and energy to key cities amid the Russia Ukraine War.

As of Tuesday, President Volodymyr Zelensky said that 30 percent of the country's power stations had been damaged since October 10. This, he added, has resulted in "huge blackouts" throughout the country.

Meanwhile, soon the Ukrainian army will attempt to reclaim the city of Kherson in the south, according to one of the highest-ranking Russian-appointed officials.

The Russian military in the area has been pushed back 20-30 km (13-20 miles) in the past several weeks, and the deputy head of the local government, Kirill Stremousov, has issued a video appeal.

Eight months after being invaded, Ukraine is launching immense counteroffensives in the east and south to gain ground before winter.

A month ago in the Russia Ukraine War, Russia unlawfully annexed Kherson as part of a broader push to solidify its land-grabbing efforts, which was highly criticized and rejected by Western nations.

Russian President Vladimir Putin claims the surrounding land has been legally annexed into Russia, including the city in question. This claim has been rejected by Ukraine and the West.

Thousands of lives have been lost, and millions of people have been uprooted as a result of this violence. Cities in Ukraine have been destroyed, and the world economy has been rattled.

Authorities Urge Mass Evacuation in Kherson

Stremousov warned that Ukrainian forces may shell Kherson, especially the city's right bank, and promised to relocate everyone who fled to Russia.

The official urged the public to take the advisory "seriously" and to evacuate the fastest way possible, as per Reuters.

Approximately 50,000 to 60,000 people would be evacuated to Russia and the left bank of the Dnieper River in the next six days, according to the Russian-installed leader of the Kherson area, as reported by the TASS news agency.

Before the war, Kherson's population was estimated to be roughly 280,000 people, although many have subsequently abandoned the city.

According to Kherson Mayor Vladimir Saldo, the Ukrainian army is building up forces for a large-scale attack. No civilians are allowed in areas where the army is conducting operations.