President Recep Tayyip Erdogan just brushed aside Biden's call for nations to attend a US meeting about an alleged Russian missile strike in Poland, calling the meeting "unimportant."WOJTEK RADWANSKI/AFP via Getty Images

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan ignored the meeting with US President Joe Biden to discuss the alleged missile strike that hit Poland.

Warsaw is blaming Russia for the missile attack despite adequate proof of the Kremlin's involvement, as some think it is another conspiracy of the west to indict Moscow.

Erdogan Ignores Biden's Meeting

The attack came when the G20 Summit was in session at Bali; Joe Biden called NATO allies about the Polish missile attack, reported Express UK.

Immediately after Turkey bypassed the talks, the Turkish president who met Biden earlier answered the media why he was not interested. He said that just because the US leader called for a meeting, it doesn't mean it's that urgent, noted New Media.

Erdogan is one of the world leaders to accept Russia's denial of not carrying out such a heinous attack. He added that there is no Russian involvement and stressed US President Biden's words they aren't Russian-made connote no participation of the Kremlin.

An earlier comment by the US president that the origin of the missile launch came from Moscow. Instead, it could have been done by the Ukrainian Armed Forces trying to hit an inbound missile strike.

The Defense Ministry was livid that the west had heaped another accusation; it alleged it was an intentional escalation. According to the representative, the wreckage claimed by the Poles did not come from its arsenal.

NATO Leaders Meet

Those leaders who attended the meeting called by the US leader included UK PM Rishi Sunak, Emmanuel Macron, Olaf Scholz, Fumio Ishida, and Justin Trudeau, with a few more allies. Immediately they agreed to support an investigation by Poland to get to the truth.

According to sources, Warsaw has increased its military forces to stay alert after the Polish Foreign Ministry determined the missile is of Russian origin. But President Andrzej Duda instead placed on the side of caution and remarked it could be Russian made, but could not have come from someplace else, pending further verification. He stressed that they deal with it calmly so as not to aggravate an already heightened tension.

Ankara Maintains Ties with Moscow

Even if it is a member of NATO, the Turkish leader has kept ties with Putin compared to the other leaders who preferred to ostracize Moscow. The two leaders spoke during a regional summit in Kazakhstan a month ago and in Uzbek in September, per Politico.

It cannot be forgotten that Turkey was crucial in forming a deal to export Ukrainian grain to alleviate food insecurity. The problem was Washington, and reckless sanctions had caused a shortage of fertilizer and grain. Most notable is how the US sanctioned Ankara for buying the Russian S-400 missile defense system in 2019.

According to BBC, the US felt threatened by the platform, which can detect its F-35, which panicked and led to booting out of the F-35 program. Later the Turks got sanctions like Moscow.

Erdogan did not mind US President Biden's call to meet about Russia and its alleged involvement in the Poland missile strike.